Page 207 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 207

Chapter 11  Clinical Techniques   191

              (a)                                                   (b)

             FIGURE 11.2  (a) Cats’ and (b) dogs’ toenails. Source: (a) Wikimedia Commons. Used under CC BY-SA 3.0,

             FIGURE 11.3  Silver nitrate stick.

             thumb under the pad, as demonstrated in Figure 11.2,   along the length of the blood vessel, the toe hurts when
             on either side of the paw. Move in a straight line across   you touch it. Be ready for the patient to cry out and jerk
             the foot so you don’t miss any nails. Dewclaws are   their foot away, some may even try to bite. If you are
             equivalent to our thumbs and are located a bit further   restraining for the nail trim, make sure you control the
             up on the medial side of the foot. Some will have front   head to prevent biting. Talk soothingly and offer up treats
             dewclaws, some will have dewclaws on all four feet.   as the procedure progresses. If you have a feeling the pet
             Always look for them as they may or may not be there.   will bite, apply a muzzle as described in Chapter 8.
             Some breeds of dogs will have them removed at 2–3     Mark the patient’s file, indicate if any toes were
             weeks of age. If they are missed, they can grow into the   clipped too short and the patient’s behavior during the
             pad and cause the patient pain. Some cats are polydactyl   nail trim. This will help future personnel get ready for
             so look carefully for extra toes in between or alongside   this patient if a muzzle or sedative are needed.
             the usual number of toes.
               Figure  11.1 demonstrates the angle of the first clip
             just deep enough to take the tip off. Then you angle the  Clipping Birds’ Wings
             clipper to either side of the nail and across the top tak-
             ing more of the wall off around the quick. This allows   Birds are now the fourth most popular pet in the United
             you to shorten the nail wall and will make the blood   States. Along with other procedures like nail trims some
             vessel and nerve recede giving the owner more time bet-  of the larger pet birds will have their wings clipped. This
             ween nail trims. Once you get one nail clipped use that   doesn’t keep them from flying, but they won’t get far or
             as a guide for the first cut on the next nail. Notice in   be very graceful. Some feel this is an unnecessary
             Figure 11.2b the nail trimmer is positioned almost at the   procedure and psychologically does more harm than
             finished level of the two adjacent nails. This will increase   good. It takes away the bird’s means of locomotion and
             your efficiency and reduce the amount of time needed   can make them vulnerable to attacks by household pets.
             to restrain the pet.                               If your clinic does wing clips you may be asked to restrain
               Care must be taken not to clip the quick (Figure 11.2a)   the bird or to do the actual clipping. The restraint
             which will bleed and cause the patient pain. If you do clip   procedure is described in Chapter 8, so we’ll concentrate
             the blood vessel, wipe it off with the cotton ball and apply   on the clipping procedure.
             the silver nitrate stick or styptic powder to the nail. Hold   First spread the wing out (Figure 11.4) to look at the
             it in place for a count of 10 and then release. If using the   medial side of the wing to check the primary or flight
             silver nitrate stick remember that it stains clothes, skin,   feathers 1–10  for blood feathers.  Blood feathers  are
             and Formica countertops; it also seems to sting. For this   developing feathers and will have a bright red shaft
             reason or because you have clipped the nerve which runs   which is the blood supply to the feather. Blood feathers
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