Page 13 - Horst Construction Theatre Overview
P. 13

Lancaster Bible College

                                               Good Shepherd Chapel - Renovation

          Project Narrative                                                            Project Information

          Seven years after Horst Construction completed construction of the Good
          Shepherd Chapel, it was time for a renovation to enhance their technology,   •  20,000 sf - Renovation
          expand seating, and provide additional classroom space. The renovation offered   •  Additional seating in balcony
                                                                                       •  Classrooms
          600 additional seats in the balcony, a complete upgrade to the sound system,   •  Rehearsal Rooms
          installation of video screens, and the addition of classrooms and rehearsal   •  Audio Visual Booth
          rooms.                                                                       •  New house lights and
                                                                                           theatrical lighting
          The technological upgrades required the concrete floor of the auditorium to be   •  Acoustical Treatments to
          excavated to create a conduit trench for the extensive wiring needed to support   vaulted ceiling and walls
          the new technology. The performance hall renovation included acoustical      •  Technological Upgrades -
          treatments to the vaulted ceiling and walls, new house/theatrical lighting, and   new sound system and video
          the audio visual booth was relocated from the balcony to a new ADA-accessible    screens requiring extensive
          booth on the main floor.                                                         wiring to support the systems

          Two sides of the existing balcony were enclosed to accommodate additional
          classrooms and rehearsal rooms, and 600 additional seats were incorporated
          into the balcony area design.  The project required an aggressive fast-track
          schedule in order to complete the project while the students were on break for
          the summer.

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