Page 29 - Presentation
P. 29
Sl. No. Type of Waste Location Area developments works Annexure
East side of Fire Training Earth filling, micro grading, fencing with gate
1 Earth & building debris 2500 Sq.m Area 1
ground & approach development
North of plant 78 & south of Earth filling, micro grading, base preparation
2 Salvaging yard 600 Sq.m Area 2
Road 11 with wet mix macadam and fencing with gate
Electrical /
3 instrumentation Cable South side of 110Kv yard in 600 Sq.m Earth filling, micro grading, base preparation Area 3
with wet mix macadam and fencing with gate
waste & Cable drums
West side Refinery 3 CRWS micro grading, base preparation with wet mix
4 Insulation waste 1200 Sq.m Area 4
sump macadam and fencing with gate
Along pipe rack on the north micro grading, base preparation with wet mix
5 Empty drums 1500 Sq.m Area 5
side of plant 90 macadam and fencing with gate
Wooden & other misc. South side of Road 42 & East micro grading, base preparation with wet mix
6 1200 Sq.m Area 6
waste. Denox area macadam and fencing with gate
micro grading, base preparation with wet mix
7 Aluminum waste North side of tank 204-D-01 500 Sq.m Area 7
macadam and fencing with gate
Earth, debris, Wooden &
other misc. waste to be Removal of existing waste, micro grading,
8 South side Sludge pit 400 Sq.m base preparation with wet mix macadam and Area 8
disposed outside in ETP fencing with gate
Removal of existing recyclable spent catalyst
9 Spent catalyst drums Near Lakshmi Amman Temple 400 sq.m Area 9
drums. Micro grading to be done