Page 31 - Presentation
P. 31
After completion of recommendations 1, 2, 3 &
4, in order to keep the area clean, the refinery
may be divided into Nos. of Zones as given
below to carry out the following activities.
a. Cleaning of roads, pipeline corridor and
inside dyke.
b. Devegetation (Minor) in roads, pipeline
corridor, tank dykes.
c. Storm water canal & Dyke canal cleaning.
d. Excess earth / debris removal in case of
execution team missed out.
e. Monitoring of left out materials by the
execution group.
f. Minimum masonry works.
g. Oil removal from dyke, Gauge hatch area
and the respective canals.
h. Any other work being carried out now on
requirement basis.
Zone -1 : From Road-1 to 3
Zone-2 : From Road 3 North side to Road 6
Zone-3 : From to Road 6 North to Road 11
Zone-4 : East side of Road 3H (Ref-III)
Zone-5 : West side of Road 3 H ( Ref-III)
Zone-6 : North side of Road-55 Centre
Zone-7 : South side of Road-55 centre