Page 22 - The Case of the Wandering Husband FLIPBOOK
P. 22
“Wha…aaa…,” Fannie attempted to ask but stopped. Brother Tomas was smiling and
yet his eyes were hard. Hard as diamonds as they glittered like the stones Fannie loved
so much.
“What’s going on?” Brother Tomas finished her sentence.
The squat, heavy set man with the olive skin smiled even wider. Fannie had never
been able to fathom whether he was a Mexican, an Arab, a Jew, or simply Italian.
Could never figure out why he was employed by the Catholic church and why he was
so damn powerful.
Fannie’s hands ran themselves through her hair. Impossible hair. When she went to
project her astral self, her hair was short and filled with gel. Now it flowed long past
her breasts and was a cinnamon brown. Her natural color. What in God’s Green Earth
was going on?
“Funny you should be thinking about God right now,” Brother Tomas said. Looked
at the ocean and settled onto what looked like a mushroom. Fannie looked up to see
mushrooms all over. Mushrooms as tall as trees and wider then houses. Her heart
began to beat faster.
“The creature you seek is one of God’s more interesting creations.”
Fannie joined him on the mushroom. Felt a stirring in her stomach. She was hungry,
cold, and scared. Not a good combination on any given day but now it was far more
intense. If she didn’t know better, Fannie would think she had traveled back in time.
“You have,” Brother Tomas said. “We sit in a time frame millions of years before
Our Father creates mankind. Several before He creates the dinosaurs. I have never
understood God’s mind and never will. And yet, here we sit in one of His many
iterations of the earth.”
Fannie felt her mind try to fold in on itself. Watched as small little black dots circled
in her vision. She would pass out and wake up in her room in Pedro. Her dogs would
lick her with slobber and her cat would rub its scarred up head on her chin. All would
be right in the world. All she had to do was pass out.
“Not going to happen,” Brother Tomas said. He put his hand on her shoulder and
her vison cleared. Her heart calmed down and her breathing eased. Her vison
sharpened and voice returned to normal.
“Damn,” Fannie said. “Why couldn’t you let me pass out?”
“Because you wanted to know where Drake Lords goes once a month. I decided to
let you find out. Only, it isn’t what you think. Not at all.”
A laugh reached Fannie’s ears. A hard, harsh laugh without joy or mirth. It was a
laugh Fannie never wanted to hear again.
“Follow the path until you reach the end. There you will find what you seek. I leave
it up to you what to do after.”