Page 10 - Tank
P. 10

“Please remove your children.”

                    This announcement declared by one of the local T.V. newswomen. Her voice
                   filled with the rush of excitement. This newswoman seemed almost giddy. Happy to
                   expose the world to such a gruesome sight. Explained to all watching the video she
                   was about to show was not meant for children or those sensitive types.
                    The newswoman spoke like being sensitive was bad. Spoke as if it was criminal
                   not to watch the video.
                    The scene on the screen switch to a series of words. These words informed all the
                   station was not responsible for blah, blah, blah. Matt didn’t care about the station
                   covering their ass. He’d listened to them promote the video for over an hour now.
                   Waited on pins and needles to see what happened to his friend. To see with his own
                   eyes if what the news people said was true.
                    The newswoman continued to speak. Her voice excited. It seemed she was
                   entertained by the footage. She warned everyone again about the graphic nature of
                   the video. Told them what they were about to see was the compilation of traffic
                   cams, an ATM camera, a camera inside a police cruiser and the ever present phone
                   cameras. Phones used by those who watched and did nothing.
                    What struck Matt immediately was the clarity of the picture. It wasn’t grainy or
                   blurred or even out of focus. The video streamed clear as a bell. It looked like
                   someone filmed the entire thing for a movie.
                    The screen shifted to Annabelle standing in the crosswalk. Her eyes looked
                   directly into the camera. Matt could’ve sworn the young girl knew exactly where
                   the camera was. Looked into it on purpose. Looked and smiled a sad smile.
                    The next moment, Annabelle pulls her hand from her mother’s and entered the
                   crosswalk. Her eyes still on the camera. She looked into the eyes of the audience.
                   Then, and only then, did she turn to watch eh Humvee bare down on her.
                    The camera cut away. This time the viewpoint was from across the street high
                   above. The video still perfect. An unreal quality it appeared to Matt. What kind of
                   cheap security camera produced such a clear picture?
                    He shook his head in disbelief. Ten stopped. Stared at the T.V. as the scene
                   changed. This time a camera looked at Annabelle as she faced her death. She stood
                   still. A small child against a speeding Humvee. Matt swore he heard the Humvee
                   accelerate. Swore the driver aimed for Annabelle.
                    Matt jumped in his chair. Out of nowhere his friend charged the Humvee. Hit it
                   so hard the monster of a vehicle skidded to the side. Then the video slowed down.
                   Continued its impossible footage. Showed Tank’s head slam into the headlight.
                    Matt watched in horror as the light exploded. He wished he could look away, but
                   he couldn’t. Felt the young girls hand squeeze his shoulder. Gave him strength as
                   the video displayed in grisly detail Tank’s eye exploding.
                    The newswoman’s voice filled the background. A woman whose sheer glee over
                   the footage was unmatched. She was impressed over the completeness the
                   newsroom’s video experts showed in compiling the video.
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