Page 9 - Tank
P. 9
“Annabelle,” the girl answered. Her eyes held Matt’s. He couldn’t look away.
The T.V. began to make noise again. Matt unsure when he’d stopped listening to
it. He was unsure of many things. One thing he was certain of though. He was going
to tell this girl Tank’s story.
Matt turned away. Told them both he would tell them Tank’s story. Let them
know what kind of a man risked his life for a girl he didn’t know. However, he
wanted to see what happened. Wanted to watch the video the news had promised of
the event as they called it.
Tears streamed down Matt’s face. Uncontrolled tears. He hadn’t cried since he was
nine years old. He cried when the owner took him down to the basement for the
first time. That exceptionally horrible night was a night of firsts; and lasts. It was
the last time Matt cried. Until now.
The girl laid her hand on his shoulder. For some reason, her touch made him feel
better. Made him able to watch what he knew was coming.