Page 11 - Tank
P. 11

The scene changed. In slow motion Matt watched his friend’s arm disappear inside
                   the wheel well. Watched as the tire tore the flesh from Tank’s arm. Then they all
                   saw the impossible happen. Tank lifted the Humvee off the ground. All while
                   Annabelle stood still not two feet away.
                    Tank lifted the Humvee almost straight up. The voice in the background told
                   everyone it was impossible for a human to do so. Repeated the phrase as all
                   watched Tank stop a Humvee traveling at over seventy miles an hour. A tank versus
                   a tank.
                    Of course, the news displayed all the damage of Tank’s body in clear concise
                   detail. Piped in some expert who explained what was happening and why. Matt
                   didn’t need an expert to tell him why his friends ribs shot out of his shirt. His chest
                   impacted a Humvee for Christ’s sake.
                    What chilled Matt to the core wasn’t his friend’s destruction. Nor was it the way
                   Annabelle helped Tank. How she ignored the horrific scene around her. No. What
                   chilled Matt to his bones was Annabelle’s eyes never left the cameras. She knew
                   where each of them were. In the last shot, Annabelle smiled into the camera as she
                   petted Tank’s broken head. Her hand covered in gore.
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