Page 3 - PeakUp_eBook_060120
P. 3

“Our best estimate

 is that 25–30% of
 ARE YOU PREPARED FOR   the workforce will                                                                 Remote workers are here to stay

 PERMANENT CHANGES IN   be working from
 THE MODERN WORKPLACE?  home multiple                                                                      Even before the global health crisis,
                                                                                                           the number of people who worked

 At the start of the global health   days a week by                                                        from home had increased by 173%

 crisis, the modern workplace was   the end of 2021.”                                                      since 2005. (Global Workplace

 forced to adapt to new circumstances,                                                                     Analytics) And globally, 52% of
 - Global Workplace Analytics
 prioritizing the health and safety of                                                                     workers work from home at least

 everyone. But now, this widespread                                                                        once every week. (Owl Labs) But

 shift to a work-from-home lifestyle                                                                       now, the implications of increasing

 does not appear to be a temporary                                                                         remote workers have permanent

 solution. Nearly 74% of CFOs recently                                                                     implications. The longer people are

 surveyed by Gartner expect some                                                                           required to work from home, the

 employees who were forced to work                                                                         greater the adoption we will see when

 from home because of the COVID-19                                                                         the dust settles. According to Kate

 pandemic to continue working                                                                              Lister, President of Global Workplace

 remotely after it ends. And this reality                                                                  Analytics, “Our best estimate is that

 is compounded further by ongoing                                                                          25–30% of the workforce will be

 workplace trends that organizations                                                                       working from home multiple days a

 can no longer ignore.                                                                                     week by the end of 2021.”
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