Page 7 - PeakUp_eBook_060120
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 The research shows that a remote   organization. If we break it down   That means employees never need

 workforce is beneficial all around—  by generation, on average, 38% of   to consult multiple communication

 people who work remotely at least   baby boomers, 40% of gen X, 43% of   and collaboration tools just to receive

 once a month are 24% more likely   millennials, and 50% of gen Z feel   company-related information. Rather

 to be happy and productive. (Owl   stressed when new communication   than distributing critical updates and

 Labs) At the same time, companies   tools are introduced. (Microsoft) That’s   internal messages through email,

 allowing remote work have 25% lower   why the single best solution you can   chat-based apps, physical forms,

 employee turnover than those that do   implement is one that doesn’t require   and posted announcements, Velocity

 not. (Owl Labs) But without the right   IT to get involved and already has a   creates a digital twin of the physical

 technology in place to coordinate   familiar and intuitive user experience.   workplace and consolidates all

 collaboration and communication,   communication methods in one place

 remote workplaces face the possibility   inside Microsoft’s hub for teamwork.
 Consolidate all company
 of failure due to poor management   Then both employees and human
 information in one place
 and/or lack of direction.  resources can refer to a single source

 With Velocity from PEAKUP,   of truth that combines both a chat-

 Although it’s a necessity, new   companies are accessing their own   based workspace and a modern

 communication technology can be a   customized, comprehensive intranet   intranet solution.

 hard sell to many people within your   platform from inside Microsoft Teams.
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