Page 5 - PeakUp_eBook_060120
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Organizations continue to struggle with internal communications

 To add urgency to this concern, prior   Though we live in a time where there

 to the coronavirus outbreak, Prescient   are so many ways companies can

 Digital Media conducted a study   communicate with their employees

 that revealed problematic trends in   (such as intranet portals, email, chat

 internal communications. Companies   messages, newsletters, and so on), it

 with 100,000 employees lose an   is ironic that so many organizations

 astonishing $62.4 million annually   struggle to identify the best way

 due to poor communication within    to update their teams and disperse

 the company. (SHRM) According   company-related information. This

 to a recent Microsoft survey with   reality will prove to be an even

 over 14,000 respondents across   greater challenge in a post-pandemic

 seven countries, 62% of business   world when a larger population of

 professionals believe their workplace   workers choose to continue working   Business decision makers should now

 is behind the times when it comes   from home.

 to keeping up with the latest   be asking: Is our company prepared to

                   proactively manage these realities?
 communication technology trends.
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