Page 3 - Pivot processes and procedures to improve workflow and productivity
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 How long does it take you to sign

 agreements and process paperwork?

 Agreements are often the first document and interaction between an
 employer and candidate, and they are the last document an employee

 receives before their great send off to retirement—not to mention all
 the documents and policies in between. Document workflows are the
 driving force behind all businesses.

 These complex paper-based processes   digital transformation was on the rise, it’s  HR professionals are faced with the   Introducing signNow
 are both timely and lengthy for everyone  safe to say most employees have taken   overwhelming task to remotely complete
 involved and come with a steep price tag.  the leap to working remotely and relying   and manage a vast number of important
 In fact, on average, companies spend $80  on digital solutions to keep their business  documents and processes for their in-  A fully configurable solution for automating
 per year, per employee on paper   stitutions. This can be complicated   legally binding signature workflows and complex
 alone. (Inc) And this figure doesn’t   with the multitude of documents   document processes to keep organizations
 factor in additional maintenance   that are processed daily. Nearly 40%   moving forward—anywhere, anytime.
 costs and purchasing ink. The US   The US spends $25–$35 billion   of organizations say they do not
 spends $25–$35 billion annually on   annually on retrieving, storing,   have the right technology to reduce
 retrieving, storing, and filing paper.   and filing paper.  (DocuPhase)  administrative error, ensure consis-
 Human resources departments are   tency, and improve accountability.
 taxed with time-consuming, repeti-  (Business Wire) This leads to ineffi-
 tive processes. (DocuPhase)  cient and slow document processing
 Additionally, the global pandemic is   processes moving forward. Currently,   times, user error, and a lack of collabora-
 causing a sea change in the shift to re-  60% of US workers are working remotely   tion among departments. In fact, 58% of
 mote work that is impacting institutions   and three-fifths said they will continue   organizations say their onboarding pro-
 at every level. While prior to COVID-19   once the pandemic is over. (Knowable)   gram is focused on processes and paper-
 With this rapid pivot to remote work,   work. (Sapling) But there is a solution.
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