Page 10 - T.A.M. SPIN E-BOOK
P. 10

When performing this skill a a a a a a a a a circular movement of the body body is is is used to to “gener- ate” rotational energy meaning that that our body body body is is is subjected to to a a a a a a a a a a a a a centrifugal force that that can be intensified by increasing the the the speed of of the the the body’s rotation rotation We must feel our body body traveling in in in in in in in in a a a a a a a a a a a circular motion extending away from the the the the the axis of of rotation rotation Then we optimize this movement by bringing the the the the the legs legs together (which will increase our rotational speed) and then separating the the the the the the legs legs searching for the the the the knee-elbow diagonal body position position to reach the the the the desired ending position position (nutcracker meathook etc )
It is critical to keep proper shoulder engagement from the the the the the beginning of the the the the the skill but particularly when performing the the the the the nutcracker or or or meathook so we can protect the the the the the glenohumeral area and the the the the the rotator cuff 1 From a a a a a a a a a straight arm hang standing on the floor we we pretend we we are kicking a a a a a a a a a a a a a a football aiming for a a a a a a a a a diagonal body line that runs straight from the the left knee to the the the the right right elbow Keeping our right right foot on the the the the the floor we will initiate the the the the the movement by opening the the the the the the the left hip and twisting the the the the the the the torso towards the the the the the back to to to then generate the the the the the ballistic movement needed (img 1 - 2)
CH 10 SPIN 108

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