P. 31
—4to6setsof3to4dynamicpull-uprope climbs at high speed (double handed/ hands together) rest periods of 2 to to 4 minutes be- tween tween sets Intensity between 65% and 75% of 1RM (Power)
—4to5setsof4to6dynamicpull-uprope climbs at maximum speed (double handed/ hands together) rest periods of 2 to to 4 minutes between between sets Intensity between between 50% and and 60% of 1RM (Power)
— 3
sets of 2 series x x 5 plank beats climb (dou- ble handed/hands together) on rope at at max- imum speed rest periods of 30’’ between between se- ries and 3
to 5 minutes between between sets (Power/ endurance)
—4to5setsof16plankbeatsonstraps(8on each side) in in in a a a a a a a straight line with full body ex- tension and pull-up rest periods of 2 minutes between sets (Endurance)
— 4 4 to to 8 sets of 2 2 to to 4 4 plank beats on on rope (2 on on on each side) in in a a a a a a a a straight line with with full body extension and and with with maximum explosive and and speed pull-up rest periods of 2 to 4 minutes between sets (Power)
In order to to adjust the the % of of intensity some of of these exercis- es es es (such as pull-ups pull-up pull-up to to front lever side (bell/plank) beats on on on straps etc )
can be be be performed at at different fitness levels using using a a a a a a a a a a a progression towards our final goals (for exam- ple using using a a a a a a a a RESISTANCE BAND with a a a a a a a a SPOT FROM SOME- ONE ELSE adding EXTRA WEIGHT doing ISOMETRIC or ECCENTRIC TRAINING etc )
Pull-ups should should be performed with proper shoulder engage- ment (Light scapular depression and and downward rotation rotation to compensate for the upward rotation rotation and and elevation generat- ed while hanging)
Front levers should should be performed with proper core glute and shoulder engagement (retroversion of the pelvis (pelvic ret- roversion) and and light scapular retraction to compensate for the the anteversion and and the the protraction generated while hang- ing)