P. 10

CH 17 176 —
Keeping the the the the legs together with the the the the free arm over- head head internally rotated and held against the the the the the head head the the the the the body should be doing a a a a a a a a a a lateral flexion of the the the the spine while the the the the muscles on on the the the the opposite side (latissimus dorsi obliques intercostal mus- cles teres major etc ) are fully extended The fo- cus is on on on lateral flexion not back extension Russian:
We hold the the the the legs and arm exactly the the the the same as in in in the the the the the “banana” position but keep the the the the the body in in in a a a a a a a a a a straight line (plank) as as parallel to the the the floor as as possible Diagonal:
We can hold the the the the legs together or or apart keeping the the the the the free arm overhead or or to to the the the the the side (depending on on on the the the desired ending ending position) We hold a a a a full body extension (latissimus dorsi obliques inter- costal muscles teres major etc extended) but keep the body in in in a a a a a a a a straight line with a a a a a a a a descending diagonal angle BACK FLAG/SIDE PLANCHE

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