P. 12
CH 17 178 2 → TECHNIQUE
To perform this skill and and move our body in an an an optimal way we require a a a a a a a high level of strength and and flexibility We also need very strong technique technique to properly hold the the the final pose though the the the technique technique may vary depending on on on the the the starting position —
We will start this movement by moving the the the the body upward while holding a a a a a a a a a pike (legs together or apart) making sure the the the the the inside leg leg is is always in in in in in in in contact with with the the the the the arm we we are hanging from (reducing body weight with with respect to to the the the the center of gravity) The path our body needs to to follow is foot-hand then then knee-elbow and and then then (be- fore arriving to to the the the the the hip-elbow position) we should search for for an an an an ascending di- agonal agonal line line with with the the the the outside outside leg leg leg and and a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a descending diagonal line line with with the the the the inside leg leg leg performing simultaneously an an an an external rotation of the the the the the outside outside leg leg leg and and hip to to open up the the the body toward full extension finally reaching the the the back flag/side planche Legs together will require greater strength and control of our body The arm we are hanging from starts with a a a a a a a a a a a a proper shoulder engagement (light depression and and and downward rotation rotation of the the scapula to compensate for the the ele- vation and and and upward rotation rotation generated while hanging) and and and a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a neutral position (thumb facing toward the the the the the the body) Then as the the the the the the knee reaches the the the the the the elbow elbow the the the the the the arm we are hanging from will initiate the the the the the the the internal rotation rotation of the the the the the the the wrist-elbow-shoul- der der so it it can generate the the the the rotational energy needed to properly perform this skill This internal rotation rotation will help us reach the the final pose and prevent shoulder injury Breathing has a a a a a a a a a key role when performing this skill Throughout the upward movement a a a a a a a a a a a a a a deep long and controlled exhalation would allow us to better con- trol trol our our our body It will also aid our our our pike since we are reducing the amount of air in in in our our lungs Phase 1:
First movement (start to foot-hand)
Phase 2:
Second movement (foot-hand to knee-elbow)