P. 20
Besides the the required level of flexibility strength and and and muscular awareness need- ed ed ed to to to perform this skill we will benefit from the the ability to to to understand and and and use certain fundamental rotational energies in in an an an an upward movement (applicable to to to almost all back flags/side planches) 1 Position of of the the the the the hanging arm while holding the the the the the back flag/side planche (keeping the the the the the internal rotation of of the the the the the wrist-elbow-shoulder until reaching the the the the the final posi- tion):
Pull the the the the the arm in in to to keep the the the the the elbow bent at around 90o to to 120o (the angle may vary depending on the the the the the the the type of back flag/side planche desired) and then push with with the the the the the shoulder (drawing with with it it it a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a circle around the the the the the torso) while while adding a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a scapular protraction to to compensate for the the the retraction generated while while hanging This pull and and then push forward in in an an an ascending rotational motion will will will help help us us us keep a a a a a a a a a a a proper body body position and and will will will protect the the the the shoulder It will will will also help help us us us counteract gravity preventing the the the body body from dropping out of the the the pose Hand positioning of of the the the the hanging arm will will vary depending on on the the the the weight of of the the the the legs and and and torso and and and the the the the the the desired back back flag/side planche pose We will will usually place it around the the the lower back back or or toward the the the glutes The internal rotation of the the the the wrist-elbow-shoulder (hanging arm) will will help help us reach the the the the the final pose and will will help help keep the the the the the arm arm in in in in in contact along the the the the the back back once we are holding the the the back flag/side planche position CH 17 BACK FLAG/SIDE PLANCHE 186