Page 28 - T.A.M. ROLL-UPS E-BOOK
P. 28
We We start start in in in in a a a a a a a pike position with the the the the the the rope rope wrapped around the the the the the the leg and the the the the the the waist (belly resting on on the the the the the the the rope) We We then start start the the the the the the the rolling up movement by opening and and and and externally rotating the the the the the the outside leg and and and and hip A greater torso mobility and and and and ex- tension of the the the the latissimus dorsi and and and and obliques will will facilitate the the the the roll-up movement finally reaching a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a back balance The bottom leg will will will remain flexed at at at the the the the the the hip (holding the the the the the pike) and and pointed toward the the the the the floor which will will assist with the the the the the twisting and and rotating of the the body We will then continue the the the the the the roll-up by closing up up the the the the the the bottom hip hip and and leg folding the the the the the the the the the hips over the the the the the the the the the rope and and getting back to to the the the the the the the the the initial pike position The move- ment of of of the the the the the the the the arms arms is is critical for the the the the the the the the success of of of each stage since the the the the the the the the arms arms will be used as as a a a a a a a a a a a counterweight assisting with the the the the the the the opening and and and closing of of of of the the the the the the the hips and and and the the extension and flexion of the the spine We should not straighten the the the the body body as extending the the the the body body would break the the the the pike or or the the back balance forcing us to roll down CH 13 HANDS-FREE ROLL-UP