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P. 3
Like many of us, from time to time fore answering, “Some
I succumb to impulse buying on the people have brown or
internet. A recent purchase was an black or red.”
anti-aging cosmetic product that had Her childish lisp and
been advertised in a video describing ernest delivery were Priscilla Oehl
an instant change in the complexion of making this exchange
a “woman of age” with whom I iden- a moment to treasure. I continued by
tified. The product arrived just prior mentioning other colors, frosted and
to our trip to OV via the Autotrain. In striped, telling her that lots of women
the cramped quarters of our roomette, go to hairdressers to get all sorts of
I found myself trying to “put on my color in their hair. I noted that Claire’s
face” in the presence of my husband older brother was giggling and rolling
who was looking on in curiosity. With his eyes over his sister’s comments.
no privacy available, I proceeded to “If I changed my hair color, do you
explain what I was using in a fashion think I would still be old?”
similar to what I had seen in the video, “Yes”, she replied, “because you
describing exactly each step of the ap- have wrinkles. Even your chin has
plication. My adoring husband seemed wrinkles.”
amused by my running commentary I wondered if that was indeed true
(and the results too, I might add!). or whether she was referring to my
Subsequently I was reminded of one of neck. It didn’t matter. She had made
my old columns from about a decade her point.
ago. It seems appropriate at this time. “Well,“ I continued,“it’s a good
thing that I’m going into this store be-
OUT OF THE MOUTHS OF cause there is a very nice lady inside
who sells creams and lotions so that
BABES - 2012 people aren’t so wrinkled. I think I’ll HOMEOWNERS-HO3 • CONDOS-HO6 • RENTERS-HO4
stop and talk to her.”
The day was sunny and crisp. I felt As we entered the store together, FLOOD • AUTOMOBILE • MOTORCYCLE
really good, healthy and fit having Patty, the mother, who seemed visibly LIFE • UMBRELLA • MEDICARE SUPPLEMENTS
recently returned from our winter va- embarrassed, said, “Aren’t you glad
cation in the sun and energized from you ran into us? I bet we’ve made your ANNUITIES
almost daily tennis games, biking and day.”
walks on the beach. I tried to reassure her with a laugh
As I walked across the parking lot of that her kids were adorable and I was
the local shopping center, I spotted our not at all offended. I hoped she be- CUSTOMER SERVICE THAT
minister’s wife with her three children. lieved me.
We stopped to chat in front of the large As they disappeared to the rear of YOU’LL LOVE...
discount drug store. I commented on the store, I stopped at the cosmetics
how much her older son resembled his counter to chat with Kathy, the attrac-
father. He was blond and slim and had tive salesperson. She has flawless skin, INSURANCE THAT YOU CAN TRUST
a sweet smile. The other son, about age of course, and short, stylishly-cut hair,
three, was animated and twinkly. which changes color with the seasons.
I focused on Claire, about five, who On this day she was blonde. When she
was staring intently at me through her told me how well I looked, I had to Here at Bassin Insurance Agency, we strive to
wide, dark eyes. laugh as I related my encounter with
“Your hair is white,” she exclaimed, Claire. make your experience unlike any other.
with a serious expression on her round, She smiled, seemingly alarmed,
cherubic little face. I wasn’t sure if her and struggled to say something like I Our agents provide meaningful, personable, and
voice conveyed concern or disbelief. looked good for my age, but I might
“Yes, it is,” I responded quickly. want to try.... informative advice to assist you
“Oh, but it is so pretty,” her mother After sampling “glowtions” to pro-
interjected, obviously uncomfortable vide moisture and glisten, I was en- in all of your insurance needs.
with her child’s bluntness. couraged to try toning and eye cream,
I was fascinated and amused by lip gloss and some cream blush on a
Claire’s unabashed frankness, stick. I was still into sampling when (772) 261-2880
“Do you know why it is white?” I Patty and kids left the store. Patty
asked. glanced at me with what appeared to be
“Because you’re old,” she said with- a look of anguish as she realized what BASSININSURANCE.COM
out hesitation. I was doing.
“Does everyone who is old have I left the store, with the assurance
white hair?” that I would look younger and more ra-
Claire paused for only a moment be- diant. For $100, I sure hoped so.
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