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This article is dedicated to friends friends were FBI agents...and several I had to learn how to walk again... just five minutes a day...walking with
of mine who are having a rough time of them belonged to the Downtown and progressing to a cane and PT...I a cane or a walker...from the kitchen
Any Frame
New Transitions Lenses
physically getting through the Golden YMCA in Detroit. It was a great Y!!! got myself going...Then it was short- to your patio...DO IT!!! You will prog-
Years. I am one of those! A little his- It was old but had every activity you ly after...I began to have symptoms ress...You will start to live a BETTER
Not to be combined with any other offer.
tory...back in Detroit in the late 40’s could Imagine. of my polio coming back...It’s called LIFE! When Boomer said to me…
With Lens Purchase
Exp. 4/30/20
Exp. 4/30/20
and early 50’s, we were in the middle So, I joined the Businessman’s Post Polio Syndrome (PPS)...Now, the “Daddy, I am going to put a leash on
General Exam Only $60
Contact Exam Only $70
of a polio epidemic ... I woke up one Club...It was a way to connect with the stats are as high as 60% of the kids that you and get you walking”...THAT
Monovision, Toric & Gas Perm - Extra
Dilation, Cataract Check & Glaucoma Test Incl.
morning and could not move my upper Who’s Who in Detroit. We had Fed- had polio in the 40’s an 50’s are wind- DID IT!!! Today my life is better than
Soft Bifocal Contacts
body when I was seven years old. We eral Judges, the Mayor, Wayne Coun- ing up with PPS. It won’t kill you...but yesterday!!! John Perdisatt, I think
found out that day...I had polio...until ty Sheriff, the State Attorney General your strength lessens as the day pro- you might agree with MOVING...if
that day...I was fine...I spent the next and several others...I wound up work- gresses...there are no known cures. one can!!!
• Tinting • Ultraviolet Filter
• Scratch Resistant Coating
three weeks in Henry Ford Hospital ing out and running with a lot of these I am on three worldwide Facebook Life comes from God...we were
• Adjustment • Case
Includes exam and trial pair of contacts.
getting the “Sister Kinney Treatment’’ guys. In Detroit, there is an island in pages for people diagnosed with PPS meant to MOVE! I have spent many
With Any Lens Purchase • Exp. 4/30/20
Exp. 4/30/20
which was getting wrapped every day the middle of the Detroit River called and frequently talk to people like my- years in the woods...I have never seen
Mon., Tues., Fri. 9-5:30 • Thurs. 9-7
Eye Exams: Mon., Thurs. &
with “steaming hot wool packs” Af- Belle Isle. On nice days we would go self who have this disease. For many, an animal just laying there...not mov-
Sat. 9-3 • Closed Wed. & Sun.
Sat. by Appointment
ter the three weeks, I was able to go there and “Run the Island” at noon, they are worse than I am...I do every- ing...and guess what? If they were,
104 N. 2nd St., Historic Downtown Fort Pierce, Florida
home...About a year of physical thera- which was five miles...go back, take a thing I can to offer hope to all of them! they would soon be eaten by a pred-
py followed...and life returned to nor- shower and go back to work in the af- On top of all of this, I was diag- ator! ...that is human nature! Use your
mal. I can still remember the smell of ternoon. I was in peak condition! nosed with aggressive prostate cancer every bit of strength...and MOVE...
those hot wool packs...Sister Kinney My running continued until I had a couple of years is where you will be proud of yourself...and I
was a nurse in Australia...her treat- a stroke in 2010 at 67. I am guessing it gets interesting...and is THE POINT will be too! God bless!!!
ment saved many from beIng crippled my running saved my life! My stroke of this “brief” article! :) If you are in David Alexander
for a lifetime! was caused by a sleepapinia condi- your later years...and you are getting
Starting in the mid 60’s...I went on tion I brain lost oxy- through life...PHYSICALLY PRET- Colonnades Plaza
1114 Colonnades Drive
a health kick when I was in my ear- gen and when I woke up, I was in a TY WELL...God bless you! BUT if Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri. & Sat.
“South Beach”
(772) 466-8831
Fort Pierce, FL 34949
ly 20’s. Three days a week I would go fog...and could hardly button my shirt. you are having ISSUES...If you can... Late Tues. & Thurs. By Appt.
to our high school track...I started out I got dressed anyway...we had Bar- MOVE...MOVE...MOVE!!! I am not
walking a quarter mile and jogging the ney, a black Lab...we were living in a doctor or a trainer...but I know this...
quarter...through the months I worked the woods...and it was time for Bar- Our bodies CANNOT FUNCTION
up to jogging three miles. I maintained ney’s two mile walk! Out the door we PROPERLY IF WE ARE NOT MOV-
that pace (three miles every other day) went...but when I realized I was walk- ING!!! I have learned this the HARD
until I hit my early 30’s. I was an IBM ing to my left and almost bumping into WAY! Medications may help...but
salesman for 30 years...and for a pe- trees...we returned home. Pam had just I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH...
The experienced Stylists at Ellie’s House of Hair will put their
riod of about three years, the Federal woken up...she took one look at me MOVE!!! Moving...on top of every-
skills to work to create a look you will surely Love. We look
Government in Detroit were the main and said WE ARE GOING TO THE thing else is the LIFEBLOOD of a
forward to seeing you soon!
accounts I called on. Many of my HOSPITAL! Page 15 QUALITY LIFE!!! If you start with
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Any Frame
New Transitions Lenses
Any Frame New Transitions Lenses John Jacobs
Not to be combined with any other offer.
With Lens Purchase
Exp. 4/30/20
Exp. 4/30/20
With Lens Purchase Not to be combined with any other offer.
Exp. 3/31/21
Exp. 3/31/21
General Exam Only $60 Contact Exam Only $70
Dilation, Cataract Check & Glaucoma Test Incl. Monovision, Toric & Gas Perm - Extra Construction Inc.
Contact Exam Only $70
General Exam Only $60
Dilation, Cataract Check & Glaucoma Test Incl. Soft Bifocal Contacts
Monovision, Toric & Gas Perm - Extra
FREE Soft Bifocal Contacts
• Tinting • Ultraviolet Filter $ 9900
• Tinting • Ultraviolet Filter
• Scratch Resistant Coating 99 Kitchens, Bathrooms and Total Remodeling
• Scratch Resistant Coating Includes exam and trial pair of contacts.
• Adjustment • Case
• Adjustment • Case
With Any Lens Purchase • Exp. 4/30/20 Includes exam and trial pair of contacts. Painting, Flooring and Plumbing
Exp. 4/30/20
With Any Lens Purchase •Exp. 3/31/21 Exp. 3/31/21
Eye Exams: Mon., Thurs. & Mon., Tues., Fri. 9-5:30 • Thurs. 9-7 772-468-0008
Sat. by Appointment
Sat. 9-3 • Closed Wed. & Sun.
Eye Exams: Mon., Thurs. & Mon., Tues., Fri. 9-5:30 • Thurs. 9-7 772-468-0008
104 N. 2nd St., Historic Downtown Fort Pierce, Florida
Sat. by Appointment Sat. 9-3 • Closed Wed. & Sun.
104 N. 2nd St., Historic Downtown Fort Pierce, Florida John Jacobs (owner)
Kelly Walker (office manager)
1114 Colonnades Drive A FULL SERVICE SALON Colonnades Plaza
“South Beach” Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri. & Sat. Email:
Fort Pierce, FL 34949 (772) 466-8831 Late Tues. & Thurs. By Appt. JMJACOBS4701@GMAIL.COM
State Licensed and Insured:
The experienced Stylists at Ellie’s House of Hair will put their
skills to work to create a look you will surely Love. We look CBC-060421/CFC-1429607
forward to seeing you soon!
John Jacobs
Construction Inc.
Kitchens, Bathrooms and Total Remodeling
Painting, Flooring and Plumbing
John Jacobs (owner)
Kelly Walker (office manager)
State Licensed and Insured: