Page 9 - March pages
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Golf and Tennis Shop Happenings & More
                                                                                                                                           Page 9

                                      More Golf and Tennis Shop news on pages 19 and 20

                                Dear Friends,     der par 51’s. Team Mullen, Gary and Beth, and John
                                It is hard to be-  and Eileen (no relation) won via a scorecard play-
                              lieve  that March  off with a birdie on the final hole. In the afternoon,
                              is already here. It  brothers, Matera (Glen and Craig) teamed with their
                              was at this point  wives, Debbie and Michelle, to take home the cov-
                              last season that all  eted  victory towels, also winning in a tiebreak  of                            CLUB
                              of our lives  were  matching scorecards. For a complete list of results,
                              turned     upside   please view the mini scoreboards on page 20.       Feb. 9 - Hole #7 - Jerry Siegel
                              down because of      There  are  still  many  rounds of golf yet  to be
  the Pandemic of 2020.Communities can respond to  played at Ocean Village. If you are looking for some   Feb. 12 - Hole #8 - Todd Goforth
  challenges by being debilitated and dispirited or be  friendly competition and meeting new people, there   Feb. 18 - Hole #2 - Steve Pogue
  energized, innovative and carry on. Ocean Village  are several more opportunities in March. The Spring   Feb. 20 - Hole #7 - Mitchell Luty
  has been the latter.                            String Scramble has just been completed (March 6)
   The courts (tennis, pickleball, bocce, and shuffle-  – results will be available in next months’ Seaword.
  board) as well as the golf course have been packed  The most festive tournament of the year, The Ocean
  with  spirited  play  every  day  thus  far  this  season.  Village St. Patrick’s Day Scramble, will be played
  (This is possibly the busiest time of the year; patrons  Wednesday, March 17; wear your best green outfits.
  make your reservations at least 3 days out.     Saturday, March 27, test your putting skills in the
   There was no shortage of special events to report  6th Annual Harold E. Cecil Putting Championship
  on since the last issue of The Seaword. Forty-Four  on the OV Putting Green. This year’s proceeds will
  players competed in the first night golfing event of  be donated to the Suncoast Mental Health Center.
  the season. The Moonlight Masters was played on a   We are all so fortunate to be residing this winter
  clear, cold, blustery January evening. Lance Poole,  in a wonderful place with near perfect weather and
  OV’s Golf and Tennis Shop’s very own, captained  tons of things to do.  I wish to thank all of you who
  a team to victory by defeating the Melzer/Van Ha-  have  put  safety  first  and  worn  your  masks  (many
  gen foursome in a scorecard tiebreaker. So much fun  super cool I must say) around staff and fellow resi-
  was had by the players that the golf committee de-  dents. Also, we are humbled for supporting the spe-  Mitchell Luty is all smiles after his ace on
  cided we needed to host another night golfing event  cial events with 100% sell-outs. We have had many   Hole #7. Great shot!!!
  (February 27). Proceeds of the Moonlight II tourna-  close tournaments and have seen so many new fac-
  ment will be donated to Treasure Coast Hospice; we  es. Welcome and thanks again.                    OV Special Events
  will give you an update on this event in addition to   Special  recognition  to those of you who have
  the door to door Hospice fundraising appeal in the  helped with the Hospice Door to Door Appeal, those   Schedule 2021
  April issue.                                    who have donated as well as assisting in the vari-
   As of this writing there were five holes in ones to  ous other special events. Lastly, I want to thank the       March 17
  report in February but still no Jackpot winner. If you  Golf Committee, Sean and his crew as well as the   St. Patrick’s Day Scramble (18 and 9 holes)
  play in the social league or any of the special events,  Golf and Tennis Shop Staff for helping to make this      March 27
  it could be you that makes the perfect shot and wins  a successful season on the course. There is still a lot   HEC Putting Championship (18 holes)
  the jackpot that has gone unclaimed for a year. It  of fun to be had this season. Come join us. Lastly,            April 10
  only costs $1 for insurance.                    on behalf of the Golf and Tennis Shop, we want to            Glo Putting (18 holes)
   The highlight of our February calendar was our  wish Sam well.                                                    April 12
  Annual Valentine’s Day Scramble, actually played   As always, if you have any questions or concerns     Farewell Scramble (18 and 9 holes)
  on President’s Day. Thanks to the dedicated work of  please stop by the Golf and Tennis Shop or call 772-          April 16
  our fabulous golf course superintendent; Sean had  467-0102.                                                     Season Closes
  the course playable following massive amounts of   Happy Spring and St. Patrick’s Day!              Contact: 772-467-0102
  rain that flooded the course the previous day. There                              Beth E. Cecil   All sign-ups for special events are done in person.
  were tons of drama in both flights. The 18 hole shot-         OV Golf and Tennis Shop Manager    Check the GTS bulletin boards for sign-up dates.
  gun had two teams deadlocked with matching 3 un-

                     Beginning the second week in March, don’t forget to set your clocks forward. There will be more hours of
                     daylight to enjoy all of our activities. The last tee time will be 6 PM.  NEXT SIGN-UPS:
   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14