Page 12 - March pages
P. 12
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Beachtree II Happenings
The cold fronts, as they call 65F tem- gave the managers’ report. She was giv-
perature, have passed us and spring en permission to record our minutes on
weather bordering on summer is now the OV website under BT II cluster for
present. So you can put away the ear- all to read and reference. All 2021 cou-
muffs, heavy jackets and gloves and en- pon booklets have been mailed and those
joy the warmth of the sun again. on ACH with problems are asked to call
I spoke with Barbara Letersky Gilchrist Karin for guidance in correcting account.
last week and she and Jim will not be Bill Weiss set up a meeting March 5 at 10
coming down. They are waiting for their AM in Aruba East with various cable and
COVID-19 vaccine and then the fol- internet providers to discuss their upcom-
low-up weeks later. Barbara states that ing proposals. Our current contract ex-
she misses BT II immensely but must pires in 12 months. Please come to hear
have the shots before returning to our their technical presentation and what, if
Paradise. Bill and Mary Ellen Weiss an- any, changes need to occur to allow better
nounced that they will be moving and and more consistent service.
residing part-time at a Vero Beach com- Joe Baldini reported on the building
munity. We thank him for his service to painting proposal. He and his committee
the Board. We will miss them as Mary El- will finalize color schemes of buildings,
len’s parents, Peg and Joe Mango, were trim and walkways. Building color and
My name is the previous long-time owners of the trim will remain the same but the com-
unit. Our best wishes in their new abode. mittee will recommend both surface
Our demographics in BT II are chang- texture and color of stairwells and unit
Edward Berg and I am ing each year. In 2020, we resold five entryways in all buildings. Painting will
units in our cluster so many of our old be late May or early June. Final presen-
friends are gone. Sadly, due to COVID-19 tation will be at the March 30 meeting.
offering a restrictions, we can no longer gather and Thanks to Joe and his committee for their
have our fabulous BT II parties and Pot work on this important project. Monies
Luck dinners.
will come from the reserve fund. Jim
The BOD met in late February. As a Seymour discussed the ongoing railing
service to all first reminder, our Annual Meeting will project which will hopefully be finished
be April1 2, 2021 at 4 PM in Aruba West. before painting begins.
We have openings on the Board so please We thank Richard and Barbara Crow-
Ocean Village submit your resume for election to the ley and the 6400 crew of workers that
closed the illegal walk through at the 6400
Karin Caselli, our cluster manager, Turn to BEACHTREE II page 16
residents who do not
drive but need
transportation to town.
I am charging $1.00
a mile and I will wait
while you take care of
your errands. A day
notice would be nice.
I can be reached at