Page 13 - March pages
P. 13
LOOK BACK from page 1 and more respectful of each other. Page 13
dining room was beautiful in it’s orig- I am thankful we have had almost 50
inal condition! wonderful years at OV. We have cele-
In 1974, you could walk right on brated many, many special and happy
the golf course at any hole any time life events here: marriages, birthdays,
of day and take up play. My favorite graduations and births. We have shared
days were spent on the tennis courts, sadness and pain here and said final
usually as part of a Round Robin with goodbyes to several family members
my uncle, Jim Dukes. I think most of at the shoreline.
the original owners at OV were tennis I wish people would stop griping
players! Terry Harper was the pro (pre- and fighting and begin showing some
Emile) and we had so many fun tour- gratitude for those who devote their
naments and tennis events. Those who retirement time or their vacation time
didn’t play tennis came to watch the trying to keep OV a marvelous place
matches! (Tells you there wasn’t much for us all to enjoy. In 50 years, I hope
going on in those days!) someone else will be able write a mes-
The workout room use to be a rac- sage that expresses how impactful and
quetball/squash court and racquetball meaningful OV has been to him or her
was all the rage - kind of like pickle- over the years. With all that is going
ball now. There was a diving board at on in the world, it would be nice if OV
the big pool and we had a blast at the could just remain what it has always
pool! We could splash, jump, swim been- paradise.
and be kids! We took floats in the pool. “If you took one-tenth the energy
We were able to exist in a community you put into complaining and applied
without dozens of directional signs re- it to solving the problem, you’d be sur-
minding us to slow down, what to do prised by how well things can work
and not to do at the pool and through- out… Complaining does not work as a
out the community. I don’t think the strategy. We all have infinite time and
standards were lower or lax in the 70’s energy. Any time we spend whining is
or early 80’s, I think PEOPLE were unlikely to help us achieve our goals.
generally more respectful of property, And it won’t make us happier.”
even when it was not their property, – Randy Pausch
GOLF LODGES from page 10 present, and worked to isolate the de-
bridge was closed. But it didn’t end fective alarm while all five alarms
there. She followed up with owners to were screeching at 100+ decibels.
resolve identified shutter issues, and These are but a few examples
with Frank Isabella, developed and of Marianne’s contribution to “the
communicated an annual shutter main- neighborhood,” as she likes to call it.
tenance program. Neighbors that she served as a Board
When the Association changed prop- member; neighbors that she very much
erty management companies, Mari- cared about as a neighbor and a friend.
anne prepared a detailed, easy to un- I personally admired her confidence
derstand set of instructions in a FAQ and forthrightness, and a passion for
format to assist owners with setting up getting things done.
the various methods of payment avail- Marianne, the Board of Directors, all
able to remit the quarterly assessment. the members of the Association, your
She fielded phone calls, emails, and neighbors and friends, extend our most
even made house calls. heartfelt “thank you.”
Having website development skills, Godspeed!
Marianne was on the team that creat-
ed the award-winning Ocean Village Tick Tock…
website. The GLS web page that she From the 2019 Seaword - Some of
developed and populated is something our Golf Lodgers decided to break up
that we all can be proud. Please make the season to opt for some side trips
a point to visit it and explore all the in- in March. Brenda and Mike Lattof
formation that is available. chose a Caribbean cruise, and Joanne
When the COVID-19 pandemic struck Bergman went to Daytona, where her
last year, Marianne brought Zoom video prize-winning quilt was displayed. Ben
meeting technology to the community and Cheryl MacCallum took off to San
to allow meetings to continue safely and Diego, California where they caught
compliantly. She provided the necessary up with old friends and were able to
owner communications, answered ques- visit the aircraft carrier “Midway” and
tions, provided ad hoc training, and as- the museum there. Maryanne and Mar-
sisted with individual owner connection ty Tormey took their annual sailing trip
issues. She also set up and orchestrated around Belize. Lastly, Vivien Thaw re-
Zoom for each meeting. turned to Canada for a week.
Recently, when smoke alarms were Wishing you the many wonderful
screeching from a unit, Marianne, things that an Irish blessing will bring.
riding her bike nearby, quickly ap- Happiness, joy, love, and laughter, may
proached the affected unit. She called your day be content and may you smile
me to get phone numbers of the affect- happily ever after! Happy St. Patrick’s
ed and adjacent unit for permission to Day!
enter, determined there was no smoke Bob Suckow