Page 14 - March pages
P. 14

Page 14
  From Jim Seymour, Past President

                  Thanks for the privilege of serv-  each of us as Directors to serve you. The Board,  come your input.
                 ing as your POA President during  then, elects its officers.                       I have been asked to serve as Chairman of our
                 the past two years. It has been,   I will continue to be open to your thoughts,  Long Range Planning Committee for this year
                 truly, an honor to serve you in  issues, and concerns, whether via mail, phone,  and, if approved by the Board, will do so gladly.
                 that capacity.  At the 2021 Board  email, or just meeting around Ocean Village and   Thanks again for your support.
                 reorganization meeting immedi-   will forward them to the other Board members                   Jim Seymour, 16th POA President
   Jim Seymour  ately following our POA  Annual  as  appropriate. If  you  don’t have them  already,
                Meeting, your Board chose to go a  my address and phone number are available in                   Parting Thoughts
  different direction, electing Jim Dobbin to serve as  our printed directory and on the website. If you   It’s amazing what you can accomplish
  its President for 2021.  I will continue to serve you  wish to contact me via email, my Ocean Village                 If ...
  as a Director for the remainder of my term, which  email address for the remainder of my term will      You don’t care who gets the credit.
  expires in February of 2022.  You, as owners, elect  be  I continue to wel-    Harry S. Truman, 33rd U.S. President

  OV POA Annual Meeting                                                   Remembering Bob Parmelee

                                                                            Bob Parmelee was born on October  Thursdays. He operated the cameras
    OV owners gathered at the Sunrise  year) and Eileen Emery (incumbent).  14, 1944 in San Francisco, CA. He  at  Westside  Church  on  Jenkins  Road
  Theatre and on Zoom to attend the OV   At the organizational meeting, held   was a high school Spanish and French  on Sundays. He is known for his quiet
  POA Annual Meeting. Pending busi-   immediately, officers were elected:  teacher in the public school system in  strength and faith in Jesus Christ.
  nesss was conducted  as there  was a   President, Jim Dobbin            Michigan for 33 years and a profes-   Bob  passed  away  on  January  22,
  quorum.                               Vice president, Eileen Emery      sional wedding photographer for 35  2021  of  pneumonia/COVID-19  and
    Board members elected  include      Secretary, Betsey Murray          years.                              multiple myeloma. He really enjoyed
  Darryl Bey (new member), Jim Dob-     Treasurer, Joan Smith               He is survived by his wife, Sylvia,  all of his friends and neighbors at
  bin (elected after being appointed last                                 kids  Robert,  Jr.,  Christina  and  four  Ocean Village and he will be missed
                                                                          grandchildren,  Emmanuelle,  Derek,  by all.
                                                                          Jesse  and  James  Parmelee  and  many
  BEACHTREE I  from page 10           seats, no election occurred, and the   nieces and nephews.

  so it will  feel  like  home right away.   new Board was quickly sworn into   He enjoyed his time here at Ocean
  One daughter lives in Chicago and the   office.  John  Pumphrey,  a  former   Village, first as a renter and then as an
  other is relocating to Omaha. Certain-  president, returned to that position,   owner in 1992.  Bob and Sylvia owned
  ly they will be popular grandparents,   selecting Doug Calkins as vice pres-  in the Golf  Villas, Capstan and Sea-
  having two grandsons  eager to visit.   ident. Returning Treasurer J. C. Cal-  scape I clusters. He enjoyed golf, ten-
    While the Sullivan’s daughter ex-  liero retains his position. Jim Minke   nis, boating, playing his guitar in the
  periences  a  Chicago  winter, fellow  remains on the Board, joined by Bill   OV Rockers, bridge, and travel.
                                                                            At Ocean  Village, Bob was high-
  Chicagoans  (Stokey, to be exact)  Denny, Phil Parks, and Manny Pin-    ly involved in the Bernie’s tennis
  Vincent  and  Theresa  Allocco  are  ares.                              games on Mondays, enjoyed golf on
  spending theirs settling  into  BT I.   On February 26, the  votes were   Wednesdays and men’s social golf on
  They have moved both up and down.  counted for updating our documents.
  They have moved up the road from  Receiving more than the 74 votes re-
  the winters for many years. And they  agreeing to use email for sending of- News from AWOL

  Jensen  Beach  where  they’ve  spent  quired to pass were the following: 1)
  have moved down over 10 floors to  ficial business and documents; 2) re-
  be  closer  to  the  ground. Primarily,  ducing the required 74 votes to 50%   Another month and another article   We will soon give out our donations
  though,  Vincent says, they moved  +1 of votes received to pass; and 4)   from AWOL. We are keeping active  for the year. We give to  places in our
  here  for  Theresa  to  enjoy  golf  and  allowing no renters to have dogs as   and out. We meet every Monday at  area. We still have game night every
  the  garden, of which they  have a  of next season. Changes not accept-  4 PM at Aruba. AWOL is open to all  Wednesday  at  6  PM at  Aruba  and
                                                                           single, widowed, and divorced wom-
                                                                                                              Bingo at 1 PM on Tuesday at OVC.
  great view.                         ed  were  3)  requiring  Miami-Dade   en in Ocean Village. Bocce is once a   We are trying to be as active as we
    Vincent, with a PhD in Human Be-  compliant doors and windows in all
  havior, spent  his  career  developing  units; 4) putting restrictions on pets,   week at 10 AM Friday and when the  can along with staying within bound-
                                                                           OV  Bocce  finishes,  it  will  return  to  aries of COVID-19. Masks and social
  Children  and  Family  Centers.  The-  and a narrow loss on 6) increasing   its 10 AM Wednesday time slot at the  distancing are a must.
  resa, an architect,  helped  develop  the minimum rental period from two
  condos throughout the Chicago area.  weeks to 4 weeks.                   same courts.                         Please, all of you think about get-
                                                                             Shuffleboard  is  once  a  week  on  ting the vaccine. It will be a way of
  Theresa  says when they married,      At press time, BT I was still  in   Thursday  at  10  AM and  OV shuf-  keeping COVID-19 at bay.
  47 years ago, Vincent wanted three  shock over the sudden loss of Geor-
  daughters.  He got  his wishes. One  gia Kraemer, who seemed ever-pres-  fleboard finishes, it will return to its   Come and join us at AWOL; we are
  daughter is a surgeon in Las Vegas  ent in BT I and the entire OV. This   Monday 10 AM time slot.           still a fun group.
                                                                                                                Time  to close this article  and say
                                                                             We meet  every  Tuesday at  the
  and the other two, a guidance coun-  month’s Garden Spot is devoted to   beach at 4 PM. If the beach is not held  keep happy, healthy, and most of all,
  selor and a writer; both live in Cali-  her, but her reach went far beyond   weather-wise, we meet  at the  Tiki  moving.
  fornia.                             our cluster. Rare is the OV resident   Bar. Bring your drink and something                 Joan Martinelli
    We  welcome these  new neigh-     who did not see her at least once a
  bors and will be introducing more in  day in the library, in the garden, by   to share.
  coming issues.                      the  pool, or biking  between  those
    February is the also the month of  places.  Our condolences  to Bill,
  the BT I Annual Meeting, and this  their daughter Erin, and the rest of
  year was exceptional only in that it  the family, are deeply sincere.          * * * * * * * * *  NOTICE  * * * * * * * * *
  was totally  virtual.  As  there were      Submitted by Bettie Marshall  When calling 911, use your home phone, not your cell phone. Your address
  only seven candidates for the seven                                                 will NOT register with 911 when using a cell phone.
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