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Golf Lodges...News and Entertainment
One Miracle in a Year Like None months. And more are on the way. And Marianne Peterson ended her tenure. was met. Marianne also delivered
Other a year since the national shutdown, Joanne Bergman assumed the secre- and managed owner and other official
It was a year ago, March 2020, that millions of Americans have now been tary position vacated by Marianne. communication for the Association.
COVID-19 cases were rising exponen- vaccinated, including a good number The 2021 Board of Directors are: Bob She conducted these tasks with com-
tially, resulting in a significant shut- in our GLS community. And the num- Suckow, president; Rob Shurman, vice petence and professionalism.
down of the country. It was an onerous ber of Americans vaccinated will in- president; Joanne Bergman, secretary; Beyond her role as secretary, Mar-
time filled with fear as there was so crease dramatically as delivery logis- Frank Isabella, treasurer; and Kenny ianne was an outstanding owner ad-
much that was not known about the vi- tical issues are resolved. The brightest Bennett, director-at-large. A well-de- vocate in this community. She spent
rus. There is a wise saying that “fear is and best have indeed succeeded in de- served thank you to Bob Suckow, Rob innumerable hours assisting owners
a prison.” Many of us understandably veloping vaccines at “warp speed.” Shurman, Marianne Peterson, Frank setting up, troubleshooting, and inter-
felt imprisoned by this unseen enemy The future is looking brighter. May- Isabella, and Kenny Bennett for their vening with the TV/internet contractor
whose size is measured in microns. We be it’s time to dust off and revisit those outstanding service to our Golf Lodges during the first six chaotic months of
were all impacted by its grip. And for bucket lists that have been put on hold. community this past year. the contract. And Marianne knew the
many that impact will last a lifetime. “tech speak,” so she would even assist
Much has happened in a year, some Family Gathering at Celeste Thank you, Marianne the contractor techs in diagnosing a
good, and some not so good. I’d like to O’Doherty’s A special note of gratitude to Mar- problem.
focus on one “good,” and that is Op- Celeste O’Doherty had a fabulous ianne Peterson for her service to the When Hurricane Dorian was bearing
eration Warp Speed, the program put five day visit in February from her community these past four years. As down as a Cat 5 storm, Marianne was
in place by the Federal government to daughters, Jean and Mary, son Joseph, secretary, Marianne set up the meet- the only board member present in the
develop vaccines to battle and erad- and grandchildren Grace, Peter and ings, prepared, posted and mailed the community. She inspected every unit
icate COVID-19. Typically, vaccine Caleb. They enjoyed playing shuffle- meeting agendas, the meeting minutes, making sure that the hurricane shutters
development is measured in years. It’s board, bocce, pickleball, cards, games set up and maintained the GLS web- were closed, and closed properly. I was
hard to imagine waiting years for an and having meals together. page in the Ocean Village website, and a thousand miles away but made own-
effective vaccine against this virus. Our 2021 Board of Directors. maintained rental statistics required er engagement calls as she conducted
But a miracle happened. Instead of The Golf Lodges South Annual by the insurance company. She also the inspection. Marianne was one of
years, not one, but two highly effective Meeting was held February 23. The tracked and managed proxy forms to the last persons to evacuate before the
vaccines were developed in a matter of Board of Directors had one change as assure the Annual Meeting quorum Turn to GOLF LODGES page 13
Celeste, daughters Jean and Mary, son Joseph, and grandchildren Grace, Peter, and Caleb Playing Mexican Train with daughter Jean and grandchildren Grace, Peter, and Caleb
Beachtree I Buzz
February had some unusually hot days this year,
but the sales in BT I were even hotter. In one building
alone, five properties sold in less than one month, three
practically in one day. The secret is out: Beachtree I is
a great place to be.
Among the new owners are Dennis and Marie (Can-
di) Sullivan, who plan to become year-rounders by
next season. They are relocating from Newburgh, In-
diana, a suburb of Evansville.
Dennis recently retired from a varied career in food
management with the Morrison Management Compa-
ny, in the health care industry, and in real estate. For
more proof of our small world, it was the Morrison
Company that sent Dennis to work at Memorial Hos-
pital in Lake Charles, LA, where I once worked on the
rehab floor. Candi worked as an accountant in the fuel
industry, but had more fun, I bet, when she worked in
food service and catering in Key Largo.
Like many homeowners here, the Sullivans visited a
friend in OV and are now “very happy” that they will
be living here. They have family members in the area,
Turn to BEACHTREE I BUZZ page 14 Candi and Dennis Sullivan Vincent and Theresa Allocco