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                                                                         OV Duplicate Bridge
  CAN EXPEDITE THE EMERGENCY VEHICLE: 772-467-2900 OR 772-467-2901.
   Trainer’s Room                                                         2020 Schedule                       address and phone number inside and
                                                                           Ocean  Villagers, the Communica-
                                                                                                              1. Eldon Johnson - Ginger Johnson
                                                                                                              2. Jane Pryce - Brad Pryce
                                                                         tions Committee needs your help. We  take it to the Admistration Building.
                                                                          Duplicate Bridge
                                                                                                              3. Nora Christoff - Wendy Marian
                                                                         are writing the History of Ocean Vil-  Let us know what the objects  repre-
                                                                          Monday - 6:30 PM - OVC
   The Plank                          of planks you do or the amount of  lage and require photos, artifacts, and  sent and we will give you credit in the
                                                                                                              Monday,  March 9, 2020
                                                                          Thursday - 1 PM - OVC
    Build stronger torso and pelvic  time you stay in the plank (or modi-  stories which will visually enhance our  article if we can use them. After copy-
                                                                          Bridge Lessons:
   muscles by holding a plank. Adopt-  fied plank position over time). Start  articles. The Village will be 50 years  ing the information or artifact, we will
   ing small changes over time can add  with one plank a day and build from  old in 2023, so we would like to com-  return it to you. A special thank you
                                                                                                              1. Nora Goodwin - Art Goodwin
                                                                          Monday 9:30 AM OVC
   up to your core strength by adding  there and increase your plank  hold   plete the project by then. If you have  to Lois Patton, Peter Harrison, Betty
                                                                                                              2. Denise Letendre - Claude Gentes

                                                                                                              3. Ann Ehrhart - Jan Heckenhauer
   one simple exercise to your weekly  time gradually. “If you can hold it   something we may borrow, please put  Messier, and Carol Hulse who have al-
                                                                          MARCH BRIDGE RESULTS

   exercise plan - the plank.         for 15 seconds, try it for 16. If you   it - the photos, stories, the artifacts - in  ready found gems for our project: The
                                                                          Monday  March 2, 2020
                                      can h old it for 16, try to get to 20   an envelope. Be sure to put your name,  History of Ocean Village.
   Test Yourself                      seconds.”                           North-South                         Place-Pair
                                                                                                              1. Eldon Johnson - Ginger Johnson
                                                                          Place -Pair
    First, can you hold a plank? Try   The ultimate goal is to be able to   1. Nick Lerescu - Phyllis Crowley  2. Wanda Cristali - Roman Cristali
   the plank with your arms extended   hold a plank for a full minute; then   Feb. Trivia Results
                                                                          2. Sue Peterson - Isabel Hetherington
                                                                                                              3. (Tie) Frank Marian - Wendy Marian
   or resting on your elbows. Be cer-  in time, 2 minutes, always trying   3. Sara Stid - Janet Surrett       3. (Tie) Willie Schmit - Frank Unangst
   tain to keep your back straight and   to increase our time to better your      New champions crowned at the  chocolate, and Scotch to the winning
                                                                                                              Thursday March 12, 2020
   your head in a neutral position look-  chances on increasing your total   third  monthly  Trivia  Contest  was  a  team.
   ing at the ground. If you can’t hold   core strength.                 team calling themselves “Catlodge.”   North-South
                                                                                                               The next trivia tourney will be
                                                                          1. Wanda Cristali - Roman Cristali
   the position, modify the exercise by   Planks may ease back pain be-  They defeated the twice defending  Tuesday, March 16 at 7 PM at OVC.
                                                                          2. John Holmes - Terry Holmes
   resting your weight on  your knees   cause as your core muscles strength-  champions in a spirited stretch run.   1. Jane Pryce - Brad Pryce
                                                                                                               We welcome all individuals or
                                                                                                              2. (Tie) Joan Cantley - Priscilla Oehl
                                                                          3. Marci Davis - Carol Kimball
   instead of your feet (sometimes re-  en,  they prove more support  for   Many teams shared in multiple priz-  teams  with  many  more  prizes  to  be
                                                                                                              2. (Tie) LouAnn Counihan - Debbie

   ferred to as a modified push-up po-  your spine. Having a stronger core   es,  including fresh calzone, boxes of  awarded.
                                                                          Thursday March 5, 2020
   sition).  Whatever version you do,   can also help you move more easi-  North-South
   time yourself to see how long you   ly and make your movements more    Place-Pair                          East-West
                                                                           * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
   can hold the position.             stable.                             1. Janet Surrett - Isabel Hetherington  Place-Pair
    Then  repeat the exercise  a  few                   John Perdisatt    2. Denise Letendre - Claude Gentes  1. Terry Holmes - John Holmes
                                                                              PLEASE NOTIFY THE ADMINISTRATION OFFICE OF ANY ADDRESS
   times a week, or even daily.  Try        Certified Personal Trainer    3. Joan McDonald - Diane Zurfluh    2. Diane Zurfluh - Jean Gaston
                                                                                   CHANGE WHEN YOU LEAVE AND WHEN YOU RETURN.
                                                                                                              3. Eldon Johnson - Ginger Johnson
   to gradually increase the number                   AFAA CL#915-9          PLEASE OBSERVE THE 15 MPH SPEED LIMIT IN THE VILLAGE IN ORDER
                                                                          Place-Pair          TO AVOID TRAGIC ACCIDENTS.
  Notice: POA meeting and workshop minutes are available                         ALSO, COME TO A COMPLETE STOP AT EACH STOP SIGN.
  online. If you do not have access to a computer, you can get                          The new email address for Security is:
  a hard copy at the Administration Building.                                    

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