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(Continued from Page 6)
            unlikely to have common names. There                 includes more than 2,000 *approved*
            are more insects than vernacular names,              common names.  Proposed names are
            which adds to insect name confusion.                 reviewed, vetted, and voted on before

               Finally, there is the issue of using one          making it to the list.  A very recent
            common name to cover an entire group of              example of the process was earlier this
            insects, such as a Family or even an Order.          month when the ESA approved a change
            It’s useful to recognize a ground beetle,            for the common name of Lymantria dispar.
            but that common name is shared by all                The insect, formerly known as the gypsy
            34,000 species in the Carabidae Family               moth, is now called the “spongy moth,” a
            worldwide.  Common names for insect                  reference to the sponge-like appearance of
            orders are handy but not precise.  When              the egg masses laid on tree trunks.  The
            you ask me about an ant, it could be any             name change removes a derogatory term
            of over 700 species in North America.                for the Romani people.

               Similar to the international rules for               Finally, the rules for insect common
            giving insects scientific names, there are           names create some confusion by what
            conventions and guidelines for common                looks like arbitrary word combinations,
            names.  The Entomological Society of                 but it is actually deeply seated in the
            America (ESA) maintains the “Common                  understanding of insect systematics.  I’m
            Names of Insects Database,” which
                                                                                                  (Continued on Page 8)

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            IPMA Connection • 1st Quarter, 2022                                                              Page 7
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