Page 16 - E-Module Learning Speaking
P. 16


                                 Asking & Giving Opinion

         Asking and giving opinions is a way for someone to ask and give

        opinions  to  others.  Asking  and  giving  opinions  are  of  course
        used when there is a dialogue or interactive dialogue to discuss


     1.  Vocabulary

           What         : apa ?
           Suggest      : saran
           Opinion      : opini
           Think        : fikir
           Interest     : menarik
           Powerful     : semangat
           Colorful     : penuh warna
           Beautiful    : sangat indah
           Bad          : jelek
           Idea         : ide
           View on      : pendapat mu
           Comments   : komentar
           Right        : benar
           Wrong        : salah
           Lie          : bohong
           Feel         : perasaan
           Reaction     : reaksi
           Argue        : membantah
           Confidence   : percaya diri
           Habits       : kebiasaan
           Emosional  : emosi
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