Page 21 - E-Module Learning Speaking
P. 21


                             In The Classroom

          There  is  a  lot  of  vocabulary  that  maybe  you  don't  know
          anything  that  can  actually  be  used  as  capital  to  start  your
          conversation with your friend or teacher.

         1.  Vocabulary

          School       : sekolah
          Classroom    : kelas

          Student      : murid
          Teacher      : guru
          Quite  big   : lumayan besar
          Table        : meja
          Chair        : kursi

          Blackboard  : papan tulis

          Cupboard     : lemari
          Map          : peta
          Picture      : gambar/lukisan
          Chalk        : kapur

          Picket       : piket
          Diligent     : rajin
          Lazy         : malas
          Smart        : pintar

          Stupid       : bodoh
          Patient      : sabar
          Creative     : kreatif
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