Page 18 - E-Module Learning Speaking
P. 18
Asking and giving permission
In everyday conversation, sometimes we need to ask someone
for permission to do something, such as when we want to
express our desire to go to the toilet.
1. Vocabulary
Can/could : : bisakah
Get : mendapatkan
Permission : permisi
Out of the class : keluar kelas
Go back to home : pulang ke rumah
Go back to bedroom : pulang ke kamar
Going to the UKS : pergi ke uks
To the bathroom :ke kamar mandi
To the canteen : ke kantin
Called by .. : di panggil
Wash hand : cuci tangan
Cough : batuk
Fever : demam
Take a dump : bab
Take a bath : mandi
Take a lake : encing
Just for a while : hanya sebentar
Thanks : terima kasih