Page 29 - The New Encyclopedia of Knots
P. 29
We recommend an alternative finish when you are using a slippery rope, similar to that which can be
used for a buntline fisherman’s bend (see page 28 figure 19.2), whereby after tying the standard
bucket hitch you tuck back the working end into the lay of the standing part.
Bulldog grip: a metal fastening used to clamp two wires togetherside by side. It consists of a shaped
part into which a U-shaped bolt fits, with the two wires trapped between. It is tightened by two nuts.
The bulldog grip is not suitable for rope.
Bulldog splice: probably the simplest way of creating an eye splice in a wire rope. The rope is turned
around a thimble and the end secured against the standing part with bulldog grips (figure 17).