Page 12 - THEGOLDENLAND 2019-2020
P. 12
chair is a type of seat, a basic let’s analyze what it takes to
piece of furniture, at the same picture in mind at least the
A time, a potent for superiority: basic operating one. You
both meant to lift weights up. know, chairs emerged to
Humans are made to move. different kinds and stylish
Humans are made to provide. To designs, and has nonstop e need initiatives that will and (2) the blame for being notorious
perform by standing on our feet is rebirths down to complex advance us to a one-way pro- polluters. According to a 2016 study
sometimes as much as we can ones nowadays, so I may W gress where no one would be by the Manila Observatory, diesel-fed
produce out of settling on our seats. just elucidate what simple left behind. vehicles were responsible for 15 per-
Dynamic or constructive sitting fundamentals makes up a To get reminded of, a wheeled cent of the particulate matter emis-
enhances productivity and bolster chair or qualifies someone vintage display from the 1950s had sions in Metro Manila. Recently, the
the potential to move significantly. to become a chair.
Conversely, this sedentary THE BACKREST – The remained its presence all over the authorities came up with a transport
action can also produce and stimu- back is the vertical part at- country, from Batanes to the National modernization plan to take all
late much to nothing as well. The tached to the seat at 90° or at Capital Region (Manila), down to Da- jeepneys 15 years or older off the
ease one feels by sitting could go greater angle that almost allow vao City, in Mindanao. Our cities that roads and replace them with a more
farther for other priorities to be left laying your body on it. It is ideal to are considered few of the most dense- eco-friendly, minivan-like version
pending. Chairs are highly political – have it high and wide enough to ly populated urban areas in the world that's bigger, safer and produces few-
sitting on a throne is a very different support the back to the shoulder
experience from sitting on a stool. blades. This is one of the chair's stered in various colors and fabrics. were filled by roads heavily equipped er emissions.
So what happens to a person who necessity in need to be sturdy A good leader features skills and with different modes of transporta- Now, let’s feature the every
has none? enough for his people to lean on to, vital strengths that would edge him tion. Among all those, is the flamboy- single day in the life of jeepney driv-
Of course, everybody and enables him to encompass his among others. Although, a guaran- ance of a vehicle painted in bright ers, mainly the struggles to earn at
knows what a chair is. I mean, people to rest their businesses to tee of his yearn to serve has to be colors and adorned with gaudy acces- least an amount of 500 pesos in order
chairs are everywhere, at home, him for a good cause. coherent and valid.
schools, offices and various work- THE SEAT – This is the Just as much as we want sories carelessly making its way to feed their family and send their
places for their function horizontal part which holds the base the superlative quality of a chair to through. Reflecting the national char- children to school. Plus, their severe
needless to mention. of our pelvis until the knees to give us comfort, the chair has be- acter of this uniquely Asian country, hard work within a 14-hour daily trip of
Even so, where our bodily weight is concen- come also an ‘object for desire' to found only in the Philippines is the sending passengers of diversity to
trated. It provides exactly the res- r e a c h h e i g h t s f o r e - truly mestizo – half-local and half- their desired routes. Ragged hands of
pite from the act of precariously most in rank, dignity, and standing.
balancing matters of our lives. It is Chairs have become a symbolism of foreign- versatile jeepney otherwise mixed crude oil and sweat, collecting
the similar sanctuary found by peo- eminence since the first of chairs known as the “King of the Road". fares, giving discounts, and a cycle,
ple in the hands of a chair that were reserved for royalty and mem- Jeepneys have been with us define their ordinary yet tormenting
exercise strong leadership. It puts to bers of the priesthood. They have for almost 70 years of cruises and livelihood. They were the ones who
a test how long he can sustain his ceaselessly evolved through time, departures. The first originated from directed jeepneys to pass through all
people and whether he's acting and today, an endowed chair is still the cobbled parts of thousands of odds and kept them existing over a
according to his purpose. as prestigious as an official seat or
THE LEGS – The legs indef- a seat of authority, state, and dignity surplus Jeeps left behind by American long period.
inite in number are the pillars of a to call the empowered the ‘chair’ troops after World War II. Soon, they As we often notice, a vehicle
chair's strength. A single distorted himself. became a solution to the post-war sometimes of age as its owner's long-
leg tells the befall of the rest. A In the academe, what about public transportation problem as an time service, just conceals its dilapi-
chair has to be strong and capable the dilapidated chairs and the stu- entrepreneurial Caviteño named Leo- dated parts with alternate embellish-
enough to assure his people with a dents who have no seats at all? If
satisfactory service. An exhibit of chairs connote power, then does it nardo Sarao converted them into ments, since top-of-the-line jeepneys
integrity and other values keep his mean students are powerless? If transport vehicles. The jeeps were today cost about 600,000 to 700,000
trustees and with great prowess, reviewed the chief issues of the remodeled to increase its functionality pesos. Meanwhile, the new criteria the
adheres him to remain standing public-school system, we would had by extending the body to accommo- government wants them to meet
despite all the challenges. quite much to say. Among the dis- date 15 to 20 passengers on either equates spending about 1.6 million to
RAW MATERIAL – Chairs contents in learning materials, toi-
may be made of wood, metal and lets, student-teacher ratios and the side leaving a narrow space down the 1.8 million pesos to purchase the
synthetic materials and either lack of classrooms, to highlight is middle for an aisle, and by putting ‘innovative’ new model. And what
the seat alone or the the lack of chairs amid the brimming some railings at the back and top for makes it a troublesome, it left the
entire chair may be number of students in the campus. extra passengers to cling to, and a drivers a puzzle of accepting loans,
padded or Yet, we are made to hang on as space for cargoes. Totally a complete likely a choice to thrive amid their
uphol- DepEd vows ‘to deliver quality, ac- transformation that have been very chase for survival along their actual
cessible, relevant, and liberating
basic education’. useful to Filipinos as time progresses. rough-road like lives.
We hope for spearheads From the open ventilation The matter was subjected to
with their constant dominance, to through windows all along their side extensive debates saying moderniza-
deliberate also even the simple and an open backdoor for easy pas- tion comes to be developmental and
desire of their people and make senger loading and unloading, comes progressive, but at the same time, it
them priorities. Being the chairs
seated in their designated chairs interior ornaments, such as removable was anti-poor and profit-oriented ac-
reinforced them to be better doers and radio-stereo, religious icon (usually a cording to the jeepney drivers, adding
producers. Through the very simplicity of cross or a picture of Jesus Christ or that the burden will be passed on to
the humble chair's function is to call the
need for chairs to those students who the Virgin Mary) in front of the driver, commuters in the form of increased
have none. Students also need something a lei made of fragrant sampaguita, a fares. Just how jeepneys are densely
to assess the holistic development of "No Smoking" sign and lastly, its des- packed in streets, jeepney drivers’
their growing potentials, that includes
being leaders someday, so is the need for ignated route attached on its wind- resistance is holding strong against
chairs is perpetual. shield. modernization as they also make
When gathered in depot, we movements to promote jeepney as a
put notice on to sense of familiarity Philippine cultural icon. Being able to
created through illustrations and withstand the country’s changes and
fonts of eye-catching phrases every struggles for several decades, Filipi-
jeepney has that foster its ownership nos likewise demonstrate resiliency
and identity. Recall the phrase “Basta and optimism towards the threat in
Driver, Sweet Lover" which was one phasing out of the beloved jeepneys.
great example. But this vehicle wont Everyone wants to achieve a
take us to places without the man fair share of benefits from the govern-
behind its wheel- the great ‘tsuper’ ment’s accurate actions, and not un-
whose own kind of bread-and-butter is likely from plans that would overbur-
to maneuver the iconic jeepney. den some. If jeepneys would dissipate
It became the dominant mode soon, transition to a new one would be
of transport on the road across the challenge for both Filipino commuters
Philippines. Even in remote areas in and jeepney drivers/operators. While
the countryside where transport is in the case of jeepney vehicles, its
scarce, the versatile jeepney is typical- chassis' artistic design might just
he Municipality of Ocampo was estab- burials were registered for the first time. The ly overloaded for multiple purposes. It grace not the busy streets but the
lished by the Franciscan friars in 1735, place started to grow again and there was a is because jeepneys are the cheapest shelves of souvenir shops in miniature
option by far among millions of Filipi-
T and was formerly the 'Mission de flood of immigrants from nearby towns, as well nos who remain below the poverty In this movement that has
Mabatobato.' Because of the presence of large as from Batangas and Tayabas. line, with rides costing an average of reached deadlock and a lot of our
scattered rocks, which were supposed to have After three decades, the leaders and the only 8 pesos, taking also us students citizens struggle to move forward
erupted from the Mount Isarog, the place was people of Mabatobato began to clamor for and teachers to and from school every fairly and just; when you know you
called "Mabatobato." This has four barrios or independence and to govern themselves once day. However, jeepneys are jointed were in a dispatch to an unknown path
and everyone seems to be in haste, it
barangays as a mission; Ayugan, Tinablanan, again. In 1948, during the incumbency of Con- with two of nation’s wide concerns – is only normal to aim for a pause and
3KRWR 6XQQ\DQMDO YLD 5HGGLW of lands suited for agriculture in the early utive Order No. 243 dated 15 July 1949 enti-
Pinit and Moriones.
gressman Sebastian C. Moll, Jr., 2nd District
(1)traffic as said to be routed around
shout PARA PO!– courageous and
Camarines Sur, the dream to separate had been
People from neighboring towns began
the heavy trail of jeepney transports
having no designated drop-off stops,
to flock the area to settle and till the vast areas
brewed. President Elpidio Quirino signed Exec-
1800’s. The place began to flourish that the
tled: “Organizing Certain Barrios of the Munici-
pality of Pili, Camarines Sur, into an Independ-
people began to dream of transforming the
ent Municipality under the name of OCAMPO”.
settlement into a new municipality. Cabeza de
Mabatobato was renamed in honor of Don Jul-
Barangay Michael Alcantara and Don Jose Ba-
rangbang requested and pleaded to the Bishop
ian Ocampo who was the Governor of Cama-
of Caceres to make the barrio into a town,
which the latter approved.
Ocampo is a 3rd class municipality in
Mabatobato became under jurisdiction
the province of Camarines Sur, Philippines.
of the municipality of Pili in 1917 as to recover rines Sur in the 1930’s.
According to the 2007 census, it has a popula-
from the Spanish-American war and to estab- tion of 39,759 people.
lish successful governance, and 6NHWFKHV .LP $OH[DQGUD &RUGH]
became a new Parish by
1922. That year the
baptisms and