Page 12 - Doug Werner Boxer's Start-Up
P. 12

or requirement after another. Fear and rage zoom in and
             out of our minds like bats from hell whether we’re
             fighting to put food in our mouths or simply trying to
             deal with traffic. But after 20 minutes on the heavy bag
             it’s all gone. Beat the bag and you’ll beat the blues,
             brother. No lie.

             And rediscover self-assurance (remember that?). Boxing
             is the great and grand art of defending yourself with
             your hands.Knowing how it’s done will change the way

             you walk into a room, stroll down the street or meet
             someone new. It’s not a bully thing at all. It’s probably
             one of the oldest and purest forms of confidence a
             person can have.

             More on this confidence stuff. Acquiring boxing skills
             won’t make you any more likely to get into physical con-
             frontations outside the gym. Actually,the desire to settle
             things violently will become weaker --- because you have
             nothing to prove, you won’t be compelled to prove it.
             It’s a martial arts type of thought and it applies to boxing
             as well.When you are truly confident in your ability to
             defend yourself, the minor confrontations in your life
             stay minor. Especially in your mind.

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