Page 11 - Doug Werner Boxer's Start-Up
P. 11

years and not one of them comes
                                close to the type of physical condi-
                                tioning that boxing demands. The
                                boxer’s workout improves every-
                                thing: strength, endurance, coordi-
                                nation, you name it.An hour of bag
                                beating,sparring and skipping rope
                                will leave you soaked, spent and
                                exhilarated. Three months of this
           regime will shape you up,put a bounce in your step and
           instill a special kind of self assurance that the TV gym
           gizmologists can only dream of.

           Hey, it’s boxing bay-be. Exercise drills
           are structured around three-minute
           rounds of aerobically supercharged
           effort designed to forge you into a
           better athlete.No less.You’ll sweat and
           burn, sure. But you’ll also become a
           better balanced, more coordinated,
           sharper reflexed, longer lasting human
           being. Try getting that out of a stair-

                                         CRANIAL RELIEF
                                         What it does for your head
                                         is remarkable.

                                         This ain’t news: Day-to-day
                                         life can be one ultimately
                                         meaningless, yet immedi-
                                         ately urgent and oh-so-
                                         annoying snafu, obligation

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