Page 6 - Doug Werner Boxer's Start-Up
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             Boxing is a lot more than blood, guts, shabby behavior
             and whacked-out hair-dos.

             Underneath boxing’s ugly public perception lies the
             pursuit of complete physical conditioning,athletic grace
             and essential self-defense for both men and women.
             Boxer’s Start-Up: A Beginner’s Guide to Boxing
             explores boxing as a confidence building and practical
             method of defending oneself, as well as a fun, sure-fire
             way to get into the best shape of your life. Included is
             information about equipment, safety, the boxer’s work-
             out, offensive and defensive skills and history.

             I believe that there is a new market for a new boxing
             book. Mainstream interest in boxing and the boxer’s
             workout is higher than it has been in 20 years.

             First and foremost, the fitness movement has become
             enamored with the boxer’s workout.The drills are aero-
             bically supercharged, improve balance and coordination
             and teach basic self-defense for both sexes.Public aware-
             ness of the benefits of the boxer’s workout has cast a
             brighter light on the sport in general.

             Second, the new champions are definitely a cut above
             the thugs and grandstanders of years past and will most
             certainly convert legions of new fans.There’s no doubt
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