Page 125 - Doug Werner Boxer's Start-Up
P. 125


               When Al        Al starts throwing punches to make the mix
                              even more interesting. I throw a left and a
                    starts    right, duck his left, slide back to my left foot
                              and throw a right ... and then sometimes a
               slapping       hook.Then he has me throw some counter-
                              punches. Again, the exciting interplay of
                        me    actually working off someone.

            around for        We work some new defenses in front of the
            real I start      mirror where I protect head and body --- left
                              side, right side --- in a very rhythmic fashion
                learning      that I get and forget,get and forget --- just like
                              everything else at first (such a precise and
                    much      particular pursuit, this boxing). Of course,
                              when Al starts slapping me around for real I
                    faster    start learning much faster (imagine that!)
                              and yes, it’s a very good idea to keep even
               (imagine       these easy slaps from landing.The trick is to
                    that!)    keep hands and head properly positioned
                              from the get-go so that any defensive maneu-
                              vering takes only a sleight of hand and a
                              minor flex in the knees.

           We go over to Mr.Heavy Bag and Al shows me how to work on right
           and left power punch combos. It’s all timing,where you hit the bag
           during the particular moment it swings toward the punch. It’s new,
           it’s difficult and I hurt my hand.So we stop and Al has me skip rope
           bouncing on two feet, my right foot and finally my left. Since I’m
           tired the skipping goes rather poorly, but I muddle through and Al
           (ever the UPBEAT coach) says, “You did great today! See you next
                                      8-26-97: Lesson #8
           After a lumbering warm-up in front of Mr.Coach and the mirror (my
           moves are so clunky ...just can’t dance) Al puts on the slap mitts and
           we work on offense and defense. I throw punches, he returns fire, I
           block and counterpunch.He really mixes it up so it’s alotta fun.The
           trick is to have confidence in your basic defense and punch so that
           when your opponent strikes back (as he will!) you don’t flinch and
           withdraw.You gotta get to the point where you don’t care what he’s
           throwing because you’ve got your own game plan to worry about.

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