Page 128 - Doug Werner Boxer's Start-Up
P. 128
Chapter Twelve
lefts followed by left hooks and right uppercuts.He says this is really
hard and that he’d be impressed if I got it right away. The drill is dif-
ficult, but after a few tries I start to get it in a ragged fashion. I’m
elated because it’s the first time I’ve been able to get one of these
high coordination drills right off. What makes it hard is the con-
stant, nonstop change of direction that each punch requires.All the
different angles make this combination very effective in a fight.Your
opponent can’t anticipate so many attacking angles coming at him
so quickly.
After this resounding success, Al puts on the slap mitts and has me
go over some of the reaction punches. He hits me on one side and
I immediately throw the hand on that side in a counteraction fol-
lowed by another left or right.I’m all screwed up with this drill after
a while although it’s fun acting and reacting with another boxer.
Sometimes Al feints his slaps and we both laugh when I come
undone in false anticipation.The idea is to follow through with your
intentions (BAD INTENTIONS, he calls them) no matter what the
other guy does.
We finish up with the heavy bag. I practice throwing three straight
hands while stepping into the bag. It’s not easy coordinating the
small shuffling steps with each punch and after a few stumbling
efforts Al has me skip some rope and we call it a day.
9-4-97: Lesson #10
I show up already wrapped and Al laughs.He says this guy’s serious!
I say it’s important to be ready when you’re walking the mean
streets of La Jolla.
I missed Tuesday’s lesson and it shows.Shadowboxing is a joke.I try
to get into a rhythm and it looks like I’ve just shot up elephant tran-
quilizers. Al just stands there speechless.
We work on defense and counterpunching, which I enjoy because
I get to play off Al’s moves (I spend so much of my time practicing
with a bag or a reflection of myself that it’s a pure joy to interact!)
My reflexes aren’t all that sharp though.What I was doing so well
last week escapes me today. Al, always the savvy coach, tries dif-
ferent gears to keep the thing going (it always goes and goes ... no
problem there) and it’s a good exercise all the same. I go a few