Page 147 - Doug Werner Boxer's Start-Up
P. 147


                It’s some-        turning my back to my opponent --- the
                                  worst kind of mistake.I have to keep my
                 thing new        eyes on the target!
               – ballroom         Something gained: I did learn how to
                                  wrestle my way out of a corner. Duck
             boxing. The          inside,grasp an elbow and spin out.This
                                  is helpful because I’m always getting
                     boxing       backed into the wall and at a loss what
                  comes in        to do.

             handy when           Addressing my hang-dog, Al says it’s
                                  unrealistic to jump into a sparring situa-
             your partner         tion and think I can apply everything
                                  I’ve been working on. It all goes out the
                  steps on        window in the heat of a bout. You can
                                  only work on one or two things at the
                  your toe.       most. He says I might wanna work on
                                  slips and jabs, say. Defensive stuff with
           just enough offense to keep the guy honest. Yeah, oh well ... but
           absolutely rock-solid advice ... as usual.

           What was genuinely amusing today was our sharing the room with
           a ballroom dancing instructor and her student. Before class, this
           attractive lady comes up to me and asks if she can share the space.
           I say sure but that I make alotta noise with the bag. She says they
           won’t even hear it ... and they don’t. Although I’m banging away,
           grunting and cursing my miserable performance throughout the
           hour, the two ladies (her student is a women) are concentrating so
           hard on their steps that they hardly notice the boxing lesson or the

           They’ve got this Guy Lombardo music playing and it’s a hoot
           throwing leather along with it. It’s so incongruous. Like something
           out of an old Monty Python movie. Here’s this gracious dancing
           alongside my bashing and bumbling. Must have been pretty funny
           to watch.

           At one point three little old ladies come in and marvel at the two
           different lessons in progress. I say it’s something new --- ballroom
           boxing. The boxing comes in handy when your partner steps on

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