Page 151 - Doug Werner Boxer's Start-Up
P. 151
It’s a classic. his butt. The troublemaker had no
idea. He thought he’d have an easy go
The gawky with the lanky, kinda clumsy-looking
kid and got the old one-two instead.
kid stands up
Apparently it went something like this:
to his tor-
The bully went up to Ryan and claimed
mentor and that he’d bad-mouthed him. This wasn’t
knocks his true, of course, and was only a ploy to
egg Ryan on. Ryan said he hadn’t but
block off. suggested that they settle it for good
because this kind of badgering had hap-
pened before. Bully-boy said OK and to
his surprise Ryan went into his boxer’s stance. Ryan immediately
delivered a number of jabs and knocked the kid down with a right.
The bully got up, wrestled Ryan down and kicked his head. But
Ryan got up and smacked the perpetrator around as before until
they were pulled apart. The overwhelming consensus was that it
was Ryan’s victory all the way. Even the bully’s friends said so.
Al beams as he tells the story and I’m absolutely delighted. It’s a
classic.The gawky kid stands up to his tormentor and knocks his
block off --- triumphantly facing irrational aggression as well as his
own fears.
Just like the movies. Only better because it really happened. This is
a watershed in a young man’s life. A moment in time when he dis-
covers his own power and courage. And how appropriate that he
used boxing skills. No bat. No gun. No lawsuit. He built his victory
with a series of clean left jabs followed by a strong right. Ryan met
the challenge of one bad egg and probably eliminated the physical
threat posed by all the others. He will never be taken lightly again.
We’re sparring again in a week or so and I’m looking forward to
congratulating him on his first victory outside the ring.Yeah Ryan.