Page 148 - Doug Werner Boxer's Start-Up
P. 148
Chapter Twelve
your toe. This remark brings down the house. Ballroom boxing!
Well, I never!
2-5-98: Lesson #49
Much improved session today.I eat a little something before I show
up (I usually eat nothing before noon). It seems to help my energy
level a bit.We do this exercise with the punch mitts where I roll off
punches and counter from the weighted side. Al throws a punch, I
block and roll in the direction it takes and throw from that side
since my weight has transferred there. We practice different
punches in various combinations and as we pick it up it gets pretty
exciting. Another instructor has an older fellow in the room with us
today and they’re mesmerized with the back-and-forth whacking
that’s going on. Maybe they think it’s real. I do very well at first, but
toward the end I start forgetting my responses. It could be fatigue.
It’s something that’s happened before --- strong start, wobbly finish.
We spar for about three rounds and it goes so much better than
Tuesday. I concentrate on keeping my eyes on Al’s face and catch
myself twice before I duck and spin. Everything improves if you
keep your opponent in sight! I slip OK and actually land a jab or
two. In the last round I hit Al on the jaw with a right. And that is a
2-12-98: Sparring Session #2
Sparring is almost full on.We all go at it at least 80%.I’m very happy
with my performance.Mixed it up,landed a few,moved pretty good.
Got mad at John, the surly teen with the squeaky sneakers. He belts
me a time or two and I wallop him (I actually say this after he slugs
me: You go full speed like that again and so will I. And you won’t
it.) Al stops things, of course, before they get serious. John’s mad
because he has a harder time hitting me today (and I score a lot),
and I’m mad because he doesn’t let up on his punches.I try to make
amends (a little),but he’s not really into being friends,so there it is.
Later,Al tells me that he’s a kid and I can’t expect him to pull his
punches like I can.
Jordan is a well mannered, talkative fellow whose older brother
boxes. He has more of a boxer’s style than the other two. It’s less
slugging and more tagging with this guy (which is fine).