Page 38 - Doug Werner Boxer's Start-Up
P. 38
Chapter Four
Because of the weight transfer involved, the straight
right is considered a power punch. But the weight
transfer is also the weakness of power punches because
for a nano-second the boxer is without a balanced
boxer’s stance, and is therefore somewhat exposed.
Hence the importance of high tailing it back to guard.
The risk of throwing this punch too often far outweighs
the natural pleasure of launching your favorite hand.The
straight right is best utilized behind the jab or as a
counter after a defensive move.
Right Notes
The straight right should be thrown straight from the
chin without wind-up or dips of the shoulder.The punch
accelerates as it tracks toward the target. Immediately
before the explosion the fist clenches.Tension is imme-
diately released as the hand snaps back to guard.
Straight punches are thrown directly from chin to target without a
dip or lifting the elbow.