Page 105 - Pat O'Keeffe Combat Kick Boxing
P. 105

Gang Attacks

                                               One Against Two
                                               Situation One: You are grabbed from
                                               behind and attacked from the front.
                                               1) Beat the first attacker to the punch
                                                  with a lead leg front kick to the
                                                  stomach. (Fig. 175)
                                               2) Follow up with a roundhouse kick
                                                  to the thigh and down him.
                                                  (Fig. 176)
                                               3) Slam your head backwards into the
                         Fig 175                  face of the second attacker.
                                                  (Fig. 177)
                                               4) Drive your right leg backwards and
                                                  throw the second attacker down
                                                  with ganseki otoshi.* (Fig. 178)

                                               Now leave the scene quickly.

                                               *See figures 85 to 89.

                                               The importance of hold-breaking was
                                               heavily emphasised in Chapter Four
                         Fig 176
                                               and the advice given then is applicable
                                               here.  Ganseki otoshi becomes a
                                               devastating finisher when you drive
                                               your assailant head-first into the deck
                                               rather than pitching him on to his

                         Fig 177

                         Fig 178
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