Page 100 - Pat O'Keeffe Combat Kick Boxing
P. 100

Combat Kick Boxing

          Switching Hands Thrust:
          Medium to Long Range
          Situation Five: Your assailant suddenly
          switches hands and lunges at you.*
          1) Sidestep to the right and block his
             attack with both hands. Seize and
             lock out the weapon-bearing hand.
             (Fig. 166)
          2) Slam a rear roundhouse kick into
             his thigh. (Fig. 167)
          3) Quickly follow up with a
             roundhouse knee into the same
             thigh. (Fig. 168)                             Fig 166
          4) Snap down his wrist and at the
             same time drive upward under his
             elbow with a bent arm and break
             his elbow joint. (Fig. 169)

          *Switching hands is only one of the
          various tactics that your assailant may
          employ to fool you. The initiative lies
          with him because of the instinctive fear
          that a knife attack arouses. You must act
          rapidly and decisively if you are to stand
          any chance of defending yourself.
                                                           Fig 167

                        Fig 168                            Fig 169

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