Page 99 - Pat O'Keeffe Combat Kick Boxing
P. 99
Knife Attacks
Overhand Stab:
Medium to Long Range
Situation Four: Your assailant runs
at you and stabs downward at your
1) Step back and twist sideways.
(Fig. 162)
2) Throw a lead leg side kick into his
stomach. (Fig. 163)
3) Pivot and throw a left front kick to
Fig 162 his groin. (Fig. 164)
4) Slam a rear roundhouse kick into
his thigh. (Fig. 165)
*A running attack is very dangerous
and hard for the defender to time. The
use of the side kick stops him in his
tracks and buys you a split second in
which to throw heavier kicks that
finish him.
Fig 163
Fig 164
Fig 165