Page 96 - Pat O'Keeffe Combat Kick Boxing
P. 96
Combat Kick Boxing
The Five Essentials
1) Body Evasion: Twisting, turning,
ducking and sidestepping should be
used to avoid the point and edge of
the knife and also to prevent your
assailant accurately measuring the
distance between you. Remain in
constant motion throughout the
attack and never confront your
assailant head on – gain an angle and
you gain a chance.
2) Vital Points: Go for vital points,
particularly the four primary ones:
eyes, throat, groin and the knee/
shin area. Strike fast and accurately, Fig 152
and once you have your assailant
in trouble, keep him there.
3) Weapon Arm: The weapon-
bearing arm must be attacked and
4) Attitude: You must strive to win
at all costs.
5) Simplicity: Keep all your defences
simple and drive home the attacks.
Thrust to stomach: Medium to
Long Range
Situation One: Your assailant thrusts
to your stomach with the knife whilst
using his front arm to guard against it Fig 153
being grabbed.
1) Sidestep to the left and throw a rear
roundhouse kick to the groin.
(Fig. 152)
2) Seize the weapon arm and spin
under it. (Fig. 153)
3) Drive the knife into the body.*
(Fig. 154)
*The seriousness of this defensive counter
should be obvious.
Never assume that a knife-wielding
assailant will hold out the knife in front
of him for you to kick or will be so stupid
as to let you grab his arm easily. This
defence shows only one of the ways in Fig 154