Page 95 - Pat O'Keeffe Combat Kick Boxing
P. 95
Knife Attacks
If you are attacked you will
undoubtedly try to defend yourself.
Therefore you must begin at the
beginning, by developing fast, strong
and effective techniques and then
instilling, through hard repetitive
practice, devastating counters.
Protection and Diversion
There is a range of tactics which, when
employed, may assist you in your
Fig 149
defence against a knife. Below are
some of them:
1) If possible, you should wrap a
jacket, shirt or scarf around your
arm to prevent getting cut when
you parry. (Fig. 149)
2) Use a chair. Turn it diagonally,
pointing one of the chair legs at
your assailant’s throat and one at his
groin, then rush him backwards
against a wall or solid object and
drive the legs into him. (Fig. 150)
Fig 150 3) Throw a handful of coins, dirt or
stones into his face. Throw them
as if you are throwing a knife. Step
towards him and hurl them hard,
about six inches away from his face.
Kick him in the groin and run.
4) Use a length of stick, a bicycle
pump, briefcase or shoes to attack
his weapon arm at the wrist and
deflect the blade. (Fig. 151)
5) Never forget that the eyes rule the
world in which we live. Take them
and your assailant becomes
Fig 151