Page 90 - Pat O'Keeffe Combat Kick Boxing
P. 90
Combat Kick Boxing
Baseball Bat
The baseball bat seems to have become the street equaliser. Its reach and devastating
impact make it a weapon of real terror. Some drug and terrorist gangs have added
to its ‘effectiveness’ by hammering six-inch nails through it to create a modern-
day mace.
With or without nails, a baseball bat is a fearsome weapon and should entitle
you to use any means at your disposal in your defence. For practice, you should
pad a three-foot length of broomstick, put on a head guard, elbow and forearm
pads, groin protector and shin-guards, then have a friend try to hit you with the
padded pole whilst you evade the blows. The difficulties of dealing with this
weapon will then present themselves!
Never lose sight of the fact that one blow can end the fight.
Baseball Bat: Medium to Long Range
Situation Four: Your assailant throws a forward swing at your head.
1) Duck the attack. (Fig. 140)
2) Perform a right front kick to his lower abdomen. (Fig. 141)
3) Lever the head of the bat down and hook the handle end around his right
wrist.* (Fig. 142)
4) Drive the head of the bat into his face. (Fig. 143)
Fig 140 Fig 141