Page 87 - Pat O'Keeffe Combat Kick Boxing
P. 87
Blunt Instrument Attacks
Improvised defences such as crates,
tyres, dustbins, cases and bags can be
used as shields to deflect blows, and
street furniture such as street lamps,
obelisks and bollards can be used as
obstacles or barriers.
It is vital to switch on and be very
aware of the distance and timing
factors. When he comes, he’ll come
quick and strong because he has all the
Should he try and play cagey by
bluffing with the weapon and trying
to force you off balance, you must
Fig 130
immediately jam him and deliver a
hard strike to his eyes, throat or groin.
Baton: Medium Range to Close Range
Situation One: Your assailant attacks
you with an overhead strike.
1) Move in rapidly and jam the
weapon arm with both hands as
Fig 131 you head-butt your assailant’s face.
(Fig. 130)
2) Wrap up his weapon arm with your
left hand. (Fig. 131)
3) Throw a tight right hook to the
assailant’s weapon arm.* (Fig. 132)
4) Deliver a backhand strike with the
baton against your assailant’s
thigh.** (Fig. 133)
Fig 132
*When you wrap up his arm, the baton
should be tucked under your armpit and
pressure exerted against your assailant’s wrist
so that when you hit his forearm with the
right hook, it breaks his grip on the baton.
Practise with a partner until you can do this
quickly. It is a very effective disarming
**The thigh is a non-lethal target that may
be struck hard. This will cause trauma to the
large muscle mass and prevent your assailant
continuing his attack. It will certainly prevent
him outrunning you over a 100-metre dash.
Fig 133 87