Page 89 - Pat O'Keeffe Combat Kick Boxing
P. 89

Blunt Instrument Attacks

                                              Baton: Medium to Close Range
                                              Situation Three: Your assailant attacks
                                              you with a backhand strike.
                                              1)  Sidestep to the left and parry the
                                                  attack with both hands. (Fig. 137)
                                              2)  Throw a right knee to the thigh.
                                                  (Fig. 138)
                                              3)  Push down your assailant’s arms
                                                  with your left arm and pivot into a
                                                  strong right roundhouse elbow to
                                                  the throat.* (Fig. 139)

                                              *Warning:  Blows to the throat are
                                              potentially lethal. Only you can judge
                                              the seriousness of the threat to your life.

                        Fig 137

                        Fig 138                             Fig 139

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