Page 91 - Pat O'Keeffe Combat Kick Boxing
P. 91

Blunt Instrument Attacks

           *This method of disarming is very
           effective and is extremely painful for the
           assailant. It is derived from an aikido
           technique called nikkajo-osae**. It creates
           tremendous pain in your assailant’s wrist
           and will enable you to prise the baseball
           bat from his grasp. Practise it until it is
           second nature.

           To perform this technique, drive the head
           of the bat down and then describe a small
           circle with the handle end, wrapping it
           around your assailant’s wrist.
             Push down on the handle end the
           second the wrist has been snared. This
           traps his wrist painfully and makes it
           possible for you to drive the head of the
           bat into his face. (Diagram 5)
                                                          Diagram 5

                        Fig 142                             Fig 143

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